Never An Absolution - Character Biographies
It was this blade - that proved to be the young knight's doom - as they done all they could to research its past history, but turned up little.
Aftermath 1
"according to him, it was mainly your past history with him that made him hate you as a master." feral nodded in understanding. "i figured as much.
The Perfect Birthday Gift, Part 5
Unaware of the reason behind raze's irritation, a sharp and insightful feline chooses to follow a hunch based on past history. "my only conclusion for your angerness is that you still don't trust me. am i right?"
Character Reference: James Finch
history **hometown:** springfield, virginia **first memory:** his little sister, lucy's, birth.
Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 5 The Fox, the Monkey, and the Star Wolf
"well, it's difficult for me to say this, and more painful considering our past history... but... but." "yes. i know you must feel bad about our past problems and apologizing, and i can understand the hatred you had for me and leon.
Origins of Khira
That kind of sucked in our opinion because we really enjoyed past histories and cultures. once home, we (i say we because i was a constant presence in the back of my creators mind by then) took a shower and prepared for another night of lonely sleep.
Let Them Eat Cake
"do you have any past history with her i should know about?" the jackal asked. "you must be feeling weak," jackie evaded. "when's the last time you had something?" fran brought a hand to her stomach. "i can't remember." her stomach growled in protest.
All The Best Efforts
I know your past history, your upbringing, what was done to you in that orphanage._ _truly, i wish i could give you joyous news, regrettably, the scans and tests were conclusive, as i mentioned. i wish i had better news for you._ end
Reptilian Knights Chapter Three
I told him all about my origins, my past history, what i had learned in my own world, just about everything there was to know, and all this i confiding to someone i had only know for a few hours, but something told me that i could trust him.
SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 26
Truthfully, i'm not so sure about any of you lions and you must admit past history gives me the right to feel that way." "true but i'd hoped along the way i'd been able to convince you otherwise, at least about the zubari pride.
A Virishian Day
Farmers have no more to bear the hardship of the barbarian ages of our past history, where farmers worked for masters and struggled to their own subsistence.
Hollister is No Place for a Goth
I... may have drawn a bit from my own past history as a goth in this..... commission for a commissioner who wishes to stay anonymous. hollister is no place for a goth the suburban shopping mall is truly the greatest battleground in the united states.