Jacketed Desires
The plastic bag tore away and ben gasped for air. the muzzle was unbuckled and fell off. ben took deep breaths through his mouth again. his lungs filling with the instant relief. as he did so a smile grew on his muzzle.
Shelter (Alaska 4)
"it seems a bit more basic than that i'm afraid," the fox replied to the injured jaguar, one paw inside the plastic bag, "there's bandages, disinfectants, band-aids, alcohol pads, tape...hmm...tablets.."
Catch your Breath
Whatever point boris had made with the plastic bag, it was obvious that as far as the older tiger was concerned, their night was far from over.
Ivan's End
A clear plastic bag was pulled down over his head and pulled tight below his jaws, another quick twist of cord tightening around his neck to keep it in place.
Hotel Sunrise
We had some drinks ... " "and what about the plastic bag? your little innocent kink?", milo raised his left eyebrow. "oh, dammit. i just like it to buy me sex. the plastic bag just gives me a feeling of power ...
Alone at home!
So he learnt he the day he clogged the toilet so much he had to throw the wastes in a big plastic bag to have a chance to unclog the piping, and with a lot of trouble.
Sunday Lunch
He took the plastic bag out and pulled it over the prone lizard's head, holding on tight as his victim tried to thrash around.
Rules be Damned ( Chapter 4 )
Taking hold of a unopened, full box, i trotted to my kitchen table and tore open the box to seeing a heat pressed, closed, interior plastic bag. instantly, i realized that my changing hands could in no way operate a scissors to cut the plastic bag.
Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-one
I hesitated and subconsciously moved my paw protectively over the shiny plastic bag. "i think its some trash that blew in here." i didn't know why i wanted to hang on to it.
Not Exactly as Planned (Warning: Diaper, Gross)
He flushed the toilet and folded up the diaper and put it in a plastic bag. he tied off the plastic bag and put it inside another plastic bag, then headed out and put the bag in the outside bin.
Sonic.EX3: Chapter 1
I checked the plastic bag at my hip pocket. gone! that made no sense! obviously, the longer i was holding onto this thing, the worse it got for me! i didn't even know why i was still holding the damn thing!
The Difficulties of Being the Youngest Sibling
He then picked up one of the big black plastic bags that were scattered across the floor everywhere in the cellar. "i'll try to make it pleasant for you, old boy." he pulled the bag over the panther's head first.