Potion Cat: Witching Hour

#15 of potion cat(reboot) through a simple test layne seeks to become part of a coven, a true witch, and yet, her test is much less than what she expects. an extra task is offered, should she be brave enough. all for some extra knowledge.

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Potion Cat: Back Home

#16 of potion cat(reboot) after a long trip and adventure layne is back home only to find that her cousin of all people is there. she's excited and happy, but at the same time, tired. there is time enough for a bit of conversation before sleep, though.

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Potion Cat: A Special Brew

#18 of potion cat(reboot) the morning brings the sweet bliss of awakening next to someone cared for, and someone to think about. layne understands that her cousin doesn't want to go back but that he must because he has a duty to their family.

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Potion Cat: Inspection Surprise

#7 of potion cat(reboot) it is time layne says goodbye to her new friend, but not before an unexpected visitor takes them by surprise. the promised inspector is here from the court and he's quite the dandy fellow.

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Potion Cat: Calling a Hound

Travelers walked comfortably along the road leading to the potion maker's hill. The sun was a drop of bright yellow in the soft blue sky and the warm sunshine balanced out the cool breeze blowing through the grass. All who came from the village...

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Potion Cat: A Poison Kiss

#4 of potion cat(reboot) synopsis: frustrated, impatient and rather annoyed with a lack of steady customer flow, the potion cat finds herself brooding in the store when what seems like a thief enters her store.

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Potion Cat: Overnight Customer

#3 of potion cat(reboot) synopsis: the potion cat layne finds herself with a lack of customers on a rainy day. just when she expects she'll need to close without making a sale, a drenched mouse with a request appears.

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Potion Cat: Apothecary Visit

#2 of potion cat(reboot) synopsis: layne just needs to get out and make some business deals.

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Potion Cat: A Visit With Tears

#10 of potion cat(reboot) our fare potion cat hasn't had the best time in the past with her family. now, the only member of her family she cares about comes to visit and she finds herself growing nervous, and rightfully so.

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Potion Cat: An Elemental Find

#9 of potion cat(reboot) while out looking for mushrooms, layne encounters an elemental that doesn't seem quite like the others she's seen. small cool drops of rain fell from grey skies down onto the potion maker's hill.

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Potion Cat Caught by the Tail

. <3 potion cat caught by the tail in the dimly wisp lit potion shop stood two felines, one with black fur and blue eyes and the other with violet eyes and gray fur, both of them leaned in close and smiling as they chattered among themselves.

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Potion Cat: A Poison Kiss

The sound of cheerful humming could be heard from the back of a blue wisp lit potion store. Layne wearing a dress of black with puffed out sleeves stood at a work desk in her storage room near her shelves upon shelves of herbs with wooden wand in...

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