Ever assumed he was straight," he taunted, and though the toy groaned and mumbled in response the big cockgag swallowed his words, and the _very_ horny edge to his moans betrayed how aroused he must have been by the plug surely under his tail, even to a sensory-deprived
Getting Home Early
A quick cough left Jovan's throat. One of his students looked up from his test, willing to take any distraction from the panic that no doubt coursed through his mind as the rest of his class loudly scribbled. The old dragon watched that student from...
The Gryphon Stable
The scent of leather and feathers mingled together perfectly as Tristan shifted and looked at himself in the mirror with a slight smile curling his lips. The outfit was perfectly hugging his body, a glorious spill of feathers that had been taken...
Becoming a Display Piece
Ikani waited in line excitedly, the naga's long body coiled up so that she didn't take up too much space on the pavement. There were only a few people waiting anyway, on a street way up in the middle of the multilevel city. There were some transports...
Halloween in Rubber City
They told Robin that going out on Halloween in Rubber City was a bad idea. Of course, the little bunny ignored them completely and ran all the way from school to his room the moment the bell rang. He threw open his closet and rummaged until he found...
Munum chapter 9 Punishment By Shadymissionary Contact day hits a snag, and Ash must bear the consequences...a setup for the next few future chapters. ---- _" yeah, that's what I've been up to. So, what's it like in Munum?"_...
Good Boy
For full sensory deprivation, fiona just decided to buy a cheap cotton blindfold for sleeping.
Malv's Pets
Malv was holding two of the strictest hoods that they owned: it was a sensory deprivation hood made of thick, high grade leather. covered in a number of straps and buckles, the wearer would be deaf and blind.
The Tutor: Chapter 11
_This can't be happening. . . it just can't . . ._ Kachya sat uncomfortably at the small table in the student lounge and tried to keep herself from fidgeting as best she could. _How could they do this?_ When her name had been called in the cafeteria,...
day 3 and 4- Sensory deprivation and Split roast
Using his arm as a pillow to rest his head on Jake used his other free hand to navigate his Facebook page. He made it back a week by scrolling down aimlessly this time before giving up on finding anything interesting and switching to Twitter. After...
How to Treat Your Jerk
Two dragons were in the living space. Easily the largest room in the house, it contained two couches facing the television, along with a nice armchair. The kitchen opened right into the living room, making it seem even larger. A desk with a computer...
Advanced Haptics
The boots meshed well with the bodysuit, surrounding his feet in the same feeling of sensory deprivation.