Another Day of Class - Chapter 2 [Trade]

To her great relief, nobody made a single teasing comment on her newly acquired, crinkly underwear. only annie piped up, "luca you're so lucky! ms.

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The SynTech Hyper Accident Fixing Team

Leo grinned as a few other coworkers made similarly positive or playfully teasing comments, and the red wolf's shoulders swiveled backwards to further flaunt the impressive milkers... maybe keeping the boobs would be nice, at least for now, he thought.

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The O-Zone

Smirking as she heard the otter's teasing comment, the corgi stepped closer to the other woman, rose up on her tip-toes and planted a gentle kiss on her muzzle alongside a growl of delight. "oh... i think i'm gonna like you.

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catching the curl

He went home with her and stayed in the spare room at her house. her parents were delighted and her high school age little sister was very impressed, often making teasing comments about dale not sharing her new friend. most nights, dale would sneak in to his

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Breaking a Bison

Her teasing comment brought a flaming blush to his cheeks, at the same time as he cock rose to full hardness. 'mmm...i might just have some fun with you myself. when we are done here. business before pleasure.'

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Magical Adventures: Diapered Dilemma

As the large feline went through the settings, he couldn't help but make a few teasing comments. "miakoda, huh?" he said with a snicker, "i think mia suits a sissy dragon like you better," he claimed as he messed around with the settings further.

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Tell and Show

"we'll see about that," he tickled my leg with his tail in turn as he gave me his teasing comment, after which i stole his muzzle for another brief moment, swung my tail sluttily on my way to the bathroom, and submitted myself to the pre-butt-sex rituals

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Choking on His Aspirations (Artwork by ShadowEyenoom)

He thought he could hear him begin a teasing comment, only to replace it with a loud moan as the orange drake instantly plunged his tongue in. "ohhhhh... you pesky pest! finally hit your mark."

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Crystal Dell Chronicles - To Hold Chapter 5

That teasing comment catching the ears of the owl who crossed the corridor ahead of them; arty holding his gaze until he moved away. 'that's true.' mellissa agreed. 'me, i'm just looking forward to living somewhere that isn't the barracks.

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Switching it Up - Part One

No jokes or teasing comments to break the ice. they weren't needed any more.

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Petty Crimes [Comm]

With that teasing comment she patted his behind gently, filling the air with the obnoxious crinkling noise from their sissy diaper.

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