Everwinter Ch11: Clash of titans

Talwin stepped back and made a deep sigh as he closed his eyes, moments later the aether began to hum around him. aetheric energy flooded the air while a turbulent essence reached out of him.

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The Mating of Alpha and Omega

"i came from aether! where the rest of us are!" he whimpered, frightened by dave's rage. "aether?" dave warked, taken aback. she looked around, scowling, her ears pinned back. "he means the planet aether, sidoma.

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Evokation / Book III: The Tower / Part 9

Since aether was too dangerous to ever let back into hell, sin and the four sisters had created a pocket dimension inside a crystal ball... and then they had sealed aether into this, and hidden it away.

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Everwinter Ch31: Test of Resolution

Aaron nodded, "something forced its way through the barrier, and it affected the aether itself. it tore wounds in the aether and made it too unstable to support the barrier.

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Everwinter Ch41: Gate of Revelation

Just like life created more life, life that used the aether created more life that made use of the aether." "i've been told of intelligent creatures that could live in the presence of flux, life that didn't depend on the aether."

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Everwinter Ch32: Cost of Hunger

Talwin nodded, resumed walking, and sensed the aether as he did. the checkpoint itself and its pillars were dead, but the place resonated in the aether as if it had once been a major conduit.

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Everwinter Ch3: Seer of Everwinter

The smile formed on rastlin's lips and pulled at his beard, "as a mage you have an innate ability to sense changes in the aether, like a drop in water there are ripples in the aether.

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Everwinter Ch40: Abyss of Corruption

Raymond grew tense but didn't move as i held tight, and reached out to the aether. _it's becoming easier... easier to wield the aether...

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Into the Depths (Ceil's Journey Part II)

She focused on the aether forming the barrier. she moved her paws as if holding an invisible ball. the barrier changed shape in accordance to her will, trapping the creature in a ball of concentrated aether.

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Everwinter Ch34: Benefits of Reuse

You said that no **living** creature with aetheric aptitude may approach it. are you referring to the undead? or a living creature without aetheric aptitude?"

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The Mage Apprentice (Ceil's Journey Part I)

I thought this statue possessed special powers, affected by the dense aether down here. i learned, years later, it was me who was being affected by the aether. it caused me to hallucinate.

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Everwinter Ch4: Tower of silence

The aether in the room was rattled as the flux began to escape while i readied the aetheric spear. support spells and arcane constructs helped as i began to lower it into the chamber.

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