Species Sheet: Luffies

Name: Limaxis Amor Nickname: "Luffies"or "Luvies" by the apacians, "Fuzas" by the Arcathions, "Death Eaters" by the Zephyrians Evolutinary Age: 10,000 years Genders: Hermphroditic Species: Ancestors closely related to sea pig Native planet:...

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The Hyena in the Honeymoon

The slender, androgynized tiger squirmed in his shackles, but he couldn't get away from the needle. his heart pounded but that only made it worse. it pushed the hormone x through his body faster.

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Dogesh Centum Doomday 2

**DOOMDAY 2** **A New Adventure** **We hid on the roof, for a while before dawn, to observe Majorum. Flashes indicative of the Dogesh bolt could be seen again in Central Metropolis. There were also flashes amber followed by sounds of explosions and...

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Dogesh Centum Doomday 1

DOOMDAY 1 Return to Dogesh Majorum As the suns rose on the first full day of the Dogesh Centum, I remained in my cell and wrote the first of His chronicles. Only when there was enough light to see by, and fearing some Iron Scales may have stayed...

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July 5 2027

Little bit of a background story to explain the twins better: (Check profile for a more detailed description of the girls looks) The tail of the dog curled nicely, sign of her deep concentration in the task, constant rattle of a tool against some...

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Shifting Gears

(M tf Clockwork Owl) Johan was a good man, and a hard working one at that. Appointed captain of the city guard only three years after joining, the city was enjoying a plummeting crime rate thanks to his tireless efforts. Johan managed...

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Dogesh Centum Doomday 0

**DOOMDAY 0** **Intro** **What help is hope in the face of certain doom? Some hoped they would not live to see the day; others hoped the Dogesh prophecies simply wouldn't come true. I haven't believed in prophecies for several cycles but hoped, in...

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Failed Containment- Chapter 8: Observational Data Leak

Alarms blared as two figures made their way down a white tile corridor at full sprint. "Fuck, Zeig. They're gaining on us!" said a white wolf to his lion companion. The lion ventured a glance backwards. Dozens of horrific monstrosities bore...

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The Ingram Clinic

"the i'll get straight to the point: i run a clinic which pays the few androgyn--" "i know all about your clinic," he replied sharply, "because your people have called me four times already! any more, and i will consider it harassment!"

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Your Christmas Present

I've been trying to write something for you guys, I swear. I'm just awfully slow. So I made this little Christmas present for you... Finding the perfect Christmas gift is always difficult. Searching through the shops, hoping to find that one item...

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Camp Luster

And last came a rather slim and agile looking purple dragon who was so androgynic in its appearance that drad had problems trying to determine whether it really was a boy or a girl. they all carried similar packs strapped to their backs.

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Mekid Chapter 4

Cecilia grinned elbowing rizak as he blushed up at the naked, if androgynously equiped version of himself on the screen. "the king." vanessa clearly called out, "the primary scrotum gender of the species.
