Eve vs. Twitch: Invisible War
Her rear passage spams slightly around the rats now soft cock as the assasin falls unconscious once more, making the rat hard again but he can't stay here forever...
Vox King of the Assasins
The boat rocked gently as it glided threw the water. The crew went about their duties whispering among themselves about their strange passenger. He was human although you couldn't really tell, he was concealed in a heavy cloak that obscured most of his...
Honor assassin chapter one
#1 of honor assasin thoughts in italics am actually pretty pleased with this an comments welcome in a center a room filled with copper and brass and old fashion looking electronics sits a politician a corgi anthro working quietly and quickly glancing up
All His Faith
Nessus remembered the female spartan a little bit from a past experience with her during an assasination atempt on his comrads life for an apparent slaying of her brother on one of the old human colonies....and nessus remembered that elly had such fighting
Prolouge to Sexy Justice
Even when she was heavily restrainted. she has super strength, and a skilled assasin. yet a modle prisoner, she has taught most prisoners the form of meditation and calmness.
Spring Time Instincts
This is a non cannon story of my fursona in female form with a cover of being a student in an all girls school wile having a part time job of being an assasin.
Enigma Wars: To Catch a General part 2
"but why would wolfen set a trap for his best general and assasin? it doesn't make sense." crimson say's as he put's a light saber back on the table. then his communicator started beeping, he answer's it, "this is crimson speak."
Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 5
After the assasination of the previous general on the altama, he had come up and famously remarked that he was going to "change some shit around" - something that did not seem to have come around yet.
His Destiny (part 4)
Stuff and if someone tries to react gets killed... painfully killed... and for that nobody fells safe anymore not even in their houses, and for that all the "bad guys" swarms around doing what they pleases, for now the only peoples that fight against the assasins
A new beginning
I got up and put on my black assasins outfit and grabbed my weapons as i went outside and their they stood. "so it seems you want me now more then ever since i've become happy..."
The Chronical'ers Journal part 3
That was untill king dorncoleone iv. was assasinated by a group of mysterious people that were seen to be bipedal raptors that walk upright like men.
the love of a horse
Blade turned dark "when i was a baby a group of assasins attacked my home, parents killed, i left with scars through my eyes, fortunatly i was only temperarly blind, the doctors thought that blood flooded my reitnas, they dont know, only that i have 20/20