An Afternoon Off
Arrd hiked along the river, his thumbs hooked under the straps of his heavy pack. Bright sunlight bathed the young coyote's gray and tan fur in unseasonable warmth. The quiet peacefulness of the open land was a welcome respite after spending all...
Playing the Odds
"So, what are we watching now?" Melissa sat on the large, maroon leather couch that occupied much of her best friend's living room. It was late at night on a Saturday, and most of the house was already asleep, including her best friend Sarah. The only...
A Good Joke
"Melissa! Melissa!" A familiar voice called out from behind the vixen as she stood at her locker, getting ready to head home from school for the day. "Hey, Melissa!" "Just a minute, Tom." Someone tugged her tail. "Hey, Melissa!" The vixen flicked...
Don't Call Her Short
"Mornin', Short Stuff." Aika froze. The young coyote's ears bolted upright, then slowly flattened back. "Don't call me that, Arrd!" She hated it when her older brother teased her about her height. "But you _are_ short, aren't you?" Aika whirled...
Calling in a Favor - Part 1 - A Sneak Preview
"I can't believe you're grounded." "I know, I know." Sarah sighed, flattening back her ears. "Trust me, Adam, I'm way more pissed about it than you." The young lioness sprawled on her bed, early in the warm summer evening. The last of sunset's fiery...
A Humiliating Display
Freshly showered and dressed in cozy pajamas, Melissa made her towards her bedroom. Though the vixen was tired, she wasn't quite ready to actually try and sleep. Instead, she planned to watch some TV, and chat with her friends. It was early enough in...
The Sleepover: Dual Wielding
Late in the evening, Melissa sat cross-legged on the floor with her brother and his friends. A stack of hardback books and papers laden with numbers and information rested in front of the vixen, with another book laying open nearby. Countless funny...
Beginner's Luck
"Just give it back, Max." "No way, Sarah! You're going to bed soon, anyway." "That's beside the point! Just give it!" "No, you've had it all night!" "You have your _own_ T.V.!" "But this one's bigger! And I wanna hang out with Melissa." Melissa...
Painfully Exposed
Amanda carefully placed her phone on a shelf in the upstairs hallway, leaning it against a picture frame. It was already recording video, and not a moment too soon. Her younger brother Alex was on his way to his bedroom for the night, but the coyote...
The Crush
Alex scavenged through his messy locker, searching for a snack. It wasn't yet lunch time, but the scrawny young coyote's stomach rumbled, impatient. He needed a snack before gym class. The coyote pinned his tan furred ears back, tossing aside some old...
Oasis Explorations
"Teek! Teek, you out here?" As her friend's voice echoed across the sand, Teek sat up on her purple dyed blanket. Her fur was still damp. She wriggled around, swiveling her large ears in an attempt to pinpoint the source of the sound. The way the...
A Painful Wake-Up Call
Melissa grinned to herself as she spotted her younger brother standing in the hallway, digging through the pile of clean clothes outside his bedroom door. Messy little runt, didn't he know how to put anything away? Not that it mattered to her, as long...