Lucien: Orgasmically Squished

Every day Tommen felt worse than the day before. He had seen Lucien only at school for almost two months, and it was weighing heavy on him. They still spoke, it was not as though Lucien or he had cut off communication, but they had not done anything...

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Lucien: You Can't Wear Marshmallows

The weekend had ended, and Lucien woke up smelling Tommen on his pillows. He had to admit, it was a nice way to start his day and week. Waking up before his alarm clock, he got up slowly and turned off the alarm a minute or two before it went off. He...

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Could Make a Good Faux-Classical Tragedy

I had lived a charmed life for a long time. My parents were - well, not in the picture, to be obtuse about it. From the age of eight, until my current age of fourteen, I had lived quite successfully without them. I used their disability checks to...

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A Foray Into Madness

_ Why do people always feel sorry for those of us who are insane? Maybe they have never received the powerful bursts of insight, or the incredible flurries of creative wisdom. Maybe they feel sorry for us, because they feel sorry for...

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Social Studies

Many people wonder what goes on, besides the obvious, in public bathrooms. Although, most people do not wonder enough to go his college professor to ask if he could put a small, almost invisible camera in a mall...

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Lucien: New Years Fireworks

"Hey, Tommen." Lucien cooed through the telephone. "Are you busy tonight?" "It's New Year's, Lucien." Tommen stated, as if Lucien was being stupid. "I know that. I asked if you were busy, though." "Oh, well... I'm not, really. My parents are out on...

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Annette: Peacefully Insane

I spent the night idly wondering how a single, young gentleman like Trace could possibly want a daughter. Though, besides occasional outbursts of obvious youth, he seemed simply like a man who should be raising kids. But _me?_ I wasn't so sure I...

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Oh Captain My Captain!

_So, here's another story. It took way longer than it should have to complete, and I'm not so sure how much I like it artistically (because I REALLY like it sexually. :3). It's quick, dirty, to the point, and full of filthy lesbian, Sub/Dom fucking. I...

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Claire: Where Have You Been All My Life?

Mornings were usually the best part of the day for Claire. It was peaceful and quiet, her mind was clear and her focus was precise. During these times she liked to review her schedule and her homework, make breakfast as a sweet gesture for her family...

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Lucien: Everything's Different but Nothing's Changed

Spring had sprung, and with it, Lucien's intensity of flirtation and sexual forwardness had waned. While that made interaction at school and in public when Luci was not in attendance easier, Tommen found it slightly difficult not to be a bit...

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Annette: Just Admit It!

Trace's eyes popped open, wide as dinner plates and twice as hard. Glaring at me he snatched my shoulders in his grasp, picking me up bodily. "Annette! You're drunk!" He demanded admonishingly, more than asked. I tried to be sweet, and I think it...

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Lucien: Dinner and Dessert

The proceeding two months saw Lucien in a blissful state of affectionate comfort with Tommen, though they had not gotten nearly so close as they had previously. Today, Lucien was sitting next to Tommen on the bus, holding his hand idly, while Tommen...

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