Horny doggy

Lucario woke up early that morning, looking outside the window and enjoying the warm, comfortable room of his trainer. Every detail of yesterday was still vivid in his mind, every moment and word of the human still sleeping on his bed were stuck in his...

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Green power

Greninja had woken up earlier today, stretching his limbs as the day seemed to start better than he would ever expected, still laying on the cold grass. Yawing loudly, he closed his mouth as he remembered every single moment of that night, hugging the...

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Nico's movie: joining the group (ch.2)

SYeah, i'm still alive XD. Here the second chapter of Nicobay commission and this time all was read by a beta-reader, so no problem ;). Special thanks Lilsprout and Timmymonsta (F.A) that help me with the story...near 50.000 words(90% sex XD and I'm...

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At the institute of pokemon and research

Ciaooooooo :) I decided to turn it into a second series the story that nicobay asked me to write, but as you will see, much more free and with unlimited availability of pokemon (I'm a naughty boy, I know\> \<) A nice way to start the...

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Corruption of the shadow

Corruption of the shadow A fantastic day as the temperature was low due to the winter season, which had dried in the large part of the plants and trees, leaving a strange melancholic atmosphere in the park where Skaith was relaxing, taking...

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A warm dinner

A warm dinner "Mom, dad, I'm home" Nicobay, after a whole day of playing around with his new friends in the forest, returned home tired and especially hungry: he always plays too much and in the end in the end was always too tired of doing...

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Blue doggy

The weather today is like all the other day: hot. Too much hot for him, especially in that bus, finally returning home after two whole weeks out with some old friends that called him, inviting him to stay for some days at their house. It would not be...

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In the middle of the forest, a young boy, named Jackson, decided to stop and stay there for the night. He did not see a single person on the road all day beside a single trainer that was there because he took the wrong turn. He ended up with a battle...

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Just a kid

The sun keeps shining in the area, a wild land where no human is allowed, perfect for a relaxing life in the wild for every kind of Pokémon. The vegetation is plenty, not allowing much sun to pass through, perfect for a lazy Pokémon like the...

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Play around the fireplace

##### "I'm home" The cold wind of winter tries to enter from the front door as the human poke his head in, his nose almost frozen for the temperature outside. He parked his car just some feet away from the entrance but is enough for making him shake...

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Another way to become a pokemon master

This is the birthday gift (even if late) for my friend Skaith. The first time I see his avatar, I thought that he was a shark XD but after he told me about the Sergal race and I fallen in love with them: cute, fluffy and sexy( especially with one...

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