_Devin is a coyote. You can't trust coyotes. Casey is a jackal. Ditto. It's time for rock and roll, space hotrods, and desert dog antics._ _More "Star Patrol" stuff, except this time without a plot. Or rather, the plot is: oh, coyotes, for fuck's sake...
Young Americans
_Nick is just another 20-something, chasing the American dream to the edge of a cliff in Silicon Valley. Lost and adrift, he meets a kindred spirit when chance tosses him into a café where they're both outsiders..._ _This started out as a prompt I...
Madison May of the Star Patrol!
_Jack of all trades, master of none, Barry Schatz has found himself as the science officer on Commander May's starship of misfit toys. Faced with the dangerous reality of adventure, he needs to decide where his future lies..._ _Here is the final part...
Risk and reward
_Ensign Elissa Parnell used to fly corvettes, until she flew one into a comms relay. Now she's the pilot of the Rocinante, trying to figure out what's left for her in the wide universe -- and finding it in unexpected places._ _Part 2 switches...
Last chances
_The brash, aggressive Star Patrol captain Madison May finds herself a new assignment on an obsolete starship, and leans on her XO to bring a crew of misfits up to speed..._ _A new universe and a new cast of characters. Trying something more active...
Evening edition (Pledge Drive, Part 2)
_In this sequel to 'The Exclusive,' Sandra decides to confront Dan Hayes and his... questionable views on consent. Unsurprisingly, she proves singularly bad at learning from her mistake :3_ _Okay here's some more nonconsensual smut because I felt like...
I'd fly the river
_Two old friends reminisce, as the recent graduate Astrid Brunault tries to figure out what to do with her chaotic life, and her love for another woman now in the big city far away..._ _Gotta keep writing. I guess? Like a shark o.o This story, which I...
_As a teacher of high school English, there's not much excitement in Ray Vega's life. But when one of his students goes into heat, he discovers the need to teach a few extracurri... well. I'll let you find out, but I bet you can't guess what happens...
The intern
_"All our representatives are currently busy..." Two technicians at a small-town ISP employ some creative troubleshooting techniques and find a new use for ethernet patch cable..._ _Okay! Back to form with us! Here is a short little story about a...
That 'm'-word
_A harried dingo entering her late 20s, lonely and adrift in a dying coastal town, learns a few lessons and faces a few consequences when her husband winds up in jail..._ _Rob is not actually_ just about cheating and rough noncon fucking. I don't know...
The exclusive (Pledge Drive, Part 1)
_Sandra Callaway, a public radio journalist, runs headlong into the limits of "freedom of the press" in a confrontation with a policeman stoat._ _What has gotten into Rob? Here are some more tags you don't see often, and also probably the only story...
A date in Constantinople
_On vacation with his husband, the quiet, unassuming Neil Riley Twiggs finds out more about himself than he'd imagined when a strange figure turns him into a dog. Along with some... other changes._ _It's just smut. Really. Smut, and all the tags Rob...