Everything was Beautiful, and Nothing Hurt

Disclaimer: This is some awful stuff which you should not read if you're squemish or normal in any way shape or form. This is a little bit of a departure from my usual style with this series, and to avoid confusion, I will tell you that the first part...

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Adagio for Strings

Disclaimer: This story contains awful things happening to a genuinely good person, and if that floats your boat, then go ahead. Read it. See if I care, huh? But stay far away from me. Robbie, Dallas and Boston all belong to FearandFur, the guy...

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Softly Lie Sleeping

Disclaimer: This is a terrible story about bad things happening to innocent people. It contains pedophelia, rape, violence, death, and a general assortment of the worst things that can happen to people. The longer the series goes on, the worse it...

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Raindrop Prelude

Disclaimer: This story is full of awful things, like torture. This will probably be the lightest this series ever dares to get, so if it's too much, then you'd better turn tail right now. If you're under eighteen, well... there's nothing sexual in...

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Wolves at the End of the Road

It was a cold day out, and Ian White shivered a little. It was a bad day to forget a coat, and the little wolf was really feeling it through his fur and t-shirt. But it was going to be a good day anyway! Ian was turning ten that day, which was a...

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"No.... no! Don't you come any closer, you sick bastard!" The wolf was screaming in fright, backing up against a tree, his fangs bared in the light of the moon. They shone like glistening pearls. "Don't you touch me-- I killed you. I KILLED...

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"My tattered ears hear not your weeping, Black Demon. Get thee from this place, begone! I cast you out!" The Witch shouted at the sky, for she was an enemy of the Angel, and therefore the Black Demon. The Angel bore her fangs in defense of the...

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Wolf am I

Disclaimer: You'll have to forgive me- this isn't the end of Und Des Nachts, like I promised. This is a wayword tale, unconnected, and alone in the world. I wrote it as a short little thing to take my mind of the ending of my other series, and the...

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Wounded Warsong

Disclaimer: This is a terrible story, and I apologize for tricking you into reading it. I mean, be honest, would you willingly enjoy this sort of thing? What kind of sick mind derives pleasure from the rape and torture of an innocent young canine? Not...

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The Winter

I'll admit, at the time, it was hard to imagine a world that was more complete or more wonderful than the one I was living in. There was some great profundity in the way we would wake up every morning, and I would tell her how I admired the sunlight...

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The Furnace

Is it too much to ask for patience? Tolerance? Is it enough that my dreams are filled with dark places and little doubts about myself because society considers me a _bad person_? Or that I'm living with a compulsion to do what society calls _bad...

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