Chosen of Ashurha II: Blood of the Fallen

**_This is a rough draft, so bear with me. I'll edit this over time. On a side note, if you catch the video game reference in here, I will love you. _** **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** Chosen of Ashurha 2-...

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Trapped 2.0

There was no light in the dank chamber; the young jackal male hung from the chains limply and prayed to his gods that soon he'd wake from his nightmare. His fine, black fur was soaked through to the skin, and as he shivered in the blackness he...

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Freedom; The escape from self-loathing.

What people fail to realize is that I do not say the things I do for attention. I honestly believe them with every fiber of my being. I am one of the most self-loathing people you will ever meet. There is no object, or belief, or subculture on...

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Desperate Measures

The man with the key is king. Jim knew that well, so very well, and with Sherlock... well, John was the key. The army doctor was his right hand, his best friend, and the person who mattered above all else. John had changed Sherlock, and that sort of...

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This Corrosion

_This is a turn-up, isn't it? _ Sherlock, the person he'd fixated on for so long, that impossible thorn in his side, had gone and gotten himself a pet. And, if he was being honest with himself, a damned good one. Muscular, if a little short, a bit...

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Toy Soldier

The needle slipped into his neck without any trouble. John Watson's vision blurred as his body began to give in, slumping toward the cold cement. Sherlock, he tried to mutter, but the words wouldn't come. Blackness overtook the doctor, pulling him...

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No Need to Hide

John didn't want to be an Omega. When he presented, it had ended his military career. It wasn't his fault, of course- the bite was forced upon him, entirely by accident, during the ambush. He was lucky to have lived, or so they said, but they didn't...

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Come About

It was funny, looking back. John Watson had never given a thought to piracy, especially not with his military career. It just sort of, well, fell on him. He'd been on a ship on his way to a fort in the Caribbean, where he would be serving in an...

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Commission: Reed

She was beautiful. There were no other girls like Phoenix, at least in the village if not in the world. Her fur seemed to be made of the purest spun gold, and her silver eyes seemed to dance in the light. Reed's lust for her was nearly insatiable....

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Amy cast her eyes around her small group of friends. None of them dared meet her gaze. She knew she loved them dearly, knew she trusted them, but she could barely remember them. She glared hatefully and tried to rise. A strong hand forced her back...

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Commission: Earthside

In her dreams, the streets ran red with blood. Allison knew she was pure, but the violence never stopped when her eyes slipped closed. Sukresh's touch was too powerful. The nightmares had begun after their last encounter, and had stayed with her ever...

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Chosen of Ashurha- Baptized in Blood (1)

The streets of Serinos were cruel to the urchins littering its dark alleys. The wealthier denizens paid them no mind, and the criminal element constantly hunted them to sell into slavery. The children had to band together, and factions began to...

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