Kevin's Highschool Days: Chapter 3 New anthros in the school

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Starfox or any of it's characters. They all belong respectively to Nintendo. My night of making out with the Lucian brothers still buzzed around in my brain after that. I couldn't believe I just kissed 3 different...

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Kevin's Highschool days: Chapter 2 Halloween fun

With school starting out great, I had a really good time here. The Lucian brothers were pretty friendly. Well Snow sometimes was a little tense which scared me a bit, but Equinox assured me that the leopard was really quite friendly. It's just that he...

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What You Can't See Is Only In Your Dreams Chapter 1: The mysterious dream figure

Hello this is my remake of a classic horror film with anthros and humans in it. I won't say what it is but I'll give you hints on the way to see if you can guess it. I'm also using some borrowed characters so I'm giving the disclaimer before it...

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