Hypnovember 10 - Gentle

Cole had no other place to go. He always knew he stuck it out in his starter apartment for too long, but when a medicine ball-sized hole in the wall caved in during a storm--he knew the time had come to upgrade his standards. As he didn't have any...

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Hypnovember 9 - Collar

You feel the tug, the gentle insistence that tells you where to follow. You're not sure when you started to feel the tug. You're not sure of much before this moment, now that you think of it. And now you don't even think about that. The tug doesn't...

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Hypnovember 8 - Pheromones

_Idiots._ _ _ The skunk had to marvel at just how deluded people could be when a stereotype had them by the genitals. Osmund glowered at them from the bench. One hand rested comfortably on his knee...

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Hypnovember 7 - Song

"_Come to me my darlings! Let your hearts follow--_" the hawk hovering above the ship suddenly stopped her angelic singing as her eyes laid on the deck. Naked as the day she was born, the hawk's only covering was the harp she held underneath her...

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Hypnovember 6 - Pendulum

Miguel cackled as his fellow dragon dumped him into the hammock. The crickets along the lakeside laughed with him in chorus with the sounds of waves lapping against the shore. The green dragon looked upward at the snow-white Eastern dragon who had a...

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Hypnovember 5 - Visor

_"Dear Refractor,_ _ We at the League are updating our systems. As such we've combined the new software in partnership with the new hardware developed over at Labyrinth Tech Inc. The visor included...

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Hypnovember 4 - Psychic

The elevator slowly scaled up the skyscraper's length at a glacial pace. The lion brushed some dust off his charcoal suit which clung tight to his lean form. Already he wasn't impressed with the cleanliness of the place. He felt a buzzing in his...

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Hypnovember 3 - Stage

Andres had never been to the carnival. Such a thing always seemed more like a small-town activity, not for city folk like him. He hadn't come to the circus today, either. Clutched between the elephant's sausage fingers was a ticket for the newest...

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Hypnovember 1 - Instant

Once again, you find yourself in the wee hours of the morning, staring at your phone, eyes so heavy but unable to sleep. You thunk your head into the pillow. You pray the force of the impact will calm the endless chain of thoughts in your brain....

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Hypnovember 30 - Awaken

Your sleep is as dreamless as it is restful. Your eyelids are slammed shut, unaware of anything outside of them--unaware you have eyelids at all. Your mind does not race. It is still like the night. No matter the obligations you had before or the...

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Hypnovember 29 - Bad End

And now it's raining. Because it might as well... Cole grumbled to himself. His vacation had started off so well. He'd gotten a full night's sleep, which never happened the night before a big trip, the hotel had confirmed his reservation for that...

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Hypnovember 28 - Unaware

Professor Matei cleared his throat. The sound bounced and echoed throughout the lecture hall. However, when the murmurs of his students didn't quell, he repeated the gutteral noise with just a little more oomph. The chatter didn't cease. If anything,...

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