The Fox General: Trophy

Trophy If freedom were defined by chaos, the Free Kingdom of Carpathia's self-proclaimed name would be very apt indeed. Villages were surrounded by faltering pastures, scorched fields, and crumbling homesteads. One could not look in any direction...

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The Fox General: Flames at Balaton

Flames at Balaton _We're trapped._ My claws shredded bedsheets and I passed the strips to Galip and the fox slave so that they might tie them together. I was a machine, no more intelligent than a windmill. _We're trapped._ There was no room in my...

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The Fox General: All Are One

All Are One It was a long night but eventually the dust settled. The grass on the shores of Lake Balaton were watered with blood and fertilized with fresh wolf and horse corpses. Torches out in the dark field danced like fox tails as sentries examined...

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The Fox General: Marco's Free Kingdom

Marco's Free Kingdom Though we had negotiated a successful surrender and achieved all of our goals, there was still some work to be done in Carpathia before leaving for the great prize down in Vulpezzia. There were still some sparsenomads raising a...

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The Fox General: The Surrender of Pest

The Surrender of Pest When we arrived at Pest, there was no question at all as to whether we would prevail or not. Victory was assured, the only thing up in the air was as to how we would achieve it, either through the quill or the sword. I was...

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Snowbreak: Fox

Snowbreak: Fox Professor Alden Howe, the young, shining star of Greenfield University had made many mistakes in his tenure. At one point, he might have considered his expedition to the tundra so that he might observe and document wolven culture to be...

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The Fox General: Sound the Retreat

Sound the Retreat There was a half hour period where I was, according to Livio, unresponsive. I do not recall any period where I was blacked out or otherwise paralytic. I assume Livio was being dramatic. What I do recall was that I had a brief moment...

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The Fox General: One Day of Decadence

One Day of Decadence. Yawning, I awoke covered in red, silk sheets and felt like a true King, or Alpha, as the wolves prefer. Stretching my leg, I gently scratched Galip around his ear, who was quietly sleeping on a lounge positioned at the foot of...

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The Fox General: Ceasefire

Ceasefire Word that a ceasefire had been declared was a relief to the soldiers. It could be seen in how they composed themselves with their backs straightened and their heads held high. Peace was still not confirmed but in their minds they could see...

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The Fox General: Ultimatum

Ultimatum Luce storming out put me in a sour mood. I gave the orders to let Vito handle the riot and retired to my chambers where Galip was waiting. The wolf was kneeling on the floor with his nose to the ground. His ear twitched and his tail wagged...

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Snowbound: Fox

Snowbound: Fox This had not been the most successful scholarly venture for young Alden Howe, even he had to admit that in his dreamlike stupor. He couldn't remember what had happened, only that the world went all white and... He exhaled, his breath...

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The Fox General: A Farewell to Africa

A Farewell to Africa The miserable business was over, I had paid up my part in full and was now awaiting for my end of the bargain. Laurent was sent with a small party of fennecs to the East, to deliver news of our victory to the Shah himself while...

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