A New Lover

Recovery A New Lover John sighed as he cleaned the glasses behind the bar. It had been a few days since Frank had been in the bar. He was happy that His brothers former lover had found a nice lion to settle down with, he just wished he had more...

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Excerpt from Loves Ghost

Tim gulped. The look his new tutor had given him wasn't all that harsh but Tim was finding it didn't take much from this well mannered, kindly, leopard to make him squirm when he knew he'd done something wrong. "I swear I was going to do the...

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A Clandestine Meeting

The motel was a bit ragged and weather worn around the edges with a garish neon sign that read "Vacancy" hanging from a larger lit sign that proclaimed the motel to be the "Mighty Nighty Inn". It was a ridiculous name but it was just sleazy enough to...

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A Grand Experiment

Aurora slowly opened her eyes grogy and disoriented. The last thing she could remember was sitting at the bar when a large and very handsome stallion had offered her a drink. As she started to stretch she realized she couldn't move her legs and they...

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Finally Home

Alesta walked to the car still carrying the sexy panther cradled in her arms as she slid her robe around his head. She moaned softly and then continued to walk and get into the car as his head had moved instantly to her breast and his soft lips...

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Alesta Buys A Toy

It was a day like many others the sun was just rising over the nearby hills and the birds were singing. Do to the advanced weather technology installed in the atmosphere it was always a nice summer day. As the sun slowly sought out Alesta's naked body...

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Who Says Crime Doesn't Pay?

Alesta sat in the interrogation room smiling as she always did and waited for Agent Heart to show up. She had been sitting there for nearly 3 hours and was starting to get annoyed, normally Heart would have been there by now the longest it had ever...

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A Lusty New Begining

Frank sat down with the lion whom he had just passionately kissed and took a sip of his beer watching the cute tan fur quiver under his gaze. Paul the lion morph now across from him was purring as he took a sip of his own looking at the sleek...

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A Chapter in Life Closed

It was a cold night in the city streets as lonely panther made his way to the bar. He gripped his trench coat and hat tighter as the icy chill of the water continued to try and soak his fur impeded only by the polyester armor he wore. He slid through...

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Part 5: Forgiveness

Michael spotted the bay from the sky as he soared through the sky towards his destination. Soon he would come to terms with his decision to violate his contract he would also know weather Night Wing could forgive him for it. He descended near the...

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Unconditional Love

Gena awoke, her stomach growling with a hunger that came from minimum rations. She would be fed a vitamin compound that would keep her coat shiny and keep her figure thin but did little to fill her stomach. She looked at the bars of her cage and...

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Taking Care of Need

Sonya slowly awoke to the soft sunlight on her face. She felt Rens hand on her stomach gently rubbing at her fur and his other hand on her shoulder gently massaging her shoulder muscles. She let out a sigh and a smile warmed her face as she thought...

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