11: That Apology

The walk back to the barn was made in complete silence. Before they reached the main door Starshadow glanced over at the side entrance and saw that the door was blocked by six massive wooden crates. There was absolutely no way that she could have...

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10: That Sibling 'Love'

Applejack normally woke up about an hour before the sun rose, but today she was up even earlier. The clock on her wall showed it was just mere minutes past 3 AM, far too early for her to be up, especially since she didn't get to sleep until well past...

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09: That Scar

"Starshadow, hold on!" Starshadow ran faster, weaving in and out of the buildings as she dashed back into town. Big Mac was hard on her hooves, and she didn't dare try to look back in fear of tripping and falling, thus allowing her pursuer to catch...

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08: That Other Sister

The remainder of the time spent packing Starshadow's items went by without any further issues. Starshadow managed to calm herself from her earlier outburst of anger and thankfully neither Fluttershy nor Rainbow Dash had noticed her change in...

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07: That First Job

A few days later Starshadow had to begin thinking about moving her belongings from Cloudsdale to Ponyville. Even though the more difficult items (namely her keyboard and accompanying electronics) were already in Vinyl's house in Ponyville, she still...

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06: That Sister

Starshadow couldn't help but run all the way over to Sweet Apple Acres, her excitement that she would be staying in Ponyville increasing with each step. The massive farm wasn't hard to find and she grinned as she reached the farm after only a few...

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05: That Intimate Moment

Starshadow still had her eyes closed but she could tell it was morning. Cracking her eyes open she saw that the sun was already up and heard the various birds outside chirping happily. As she became more aware of her surroundings, she also felt a...

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Interlude: That After-party

Vinyl Scratche's after party was in full swing. As soon as the majority of the audience had left Vinyl returned to the main dance hall and looked at the handful of ponies still present. Her assistants and the club employees were all present, as well as...

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04: That Massive Stallion

As Starshadow and Big Mac entered her hotel room she felt slightly self conscious that her room was so basic. She had been in the hotel room Vinyl had gotten when she had seen the unicorn's recent show in Manehattan; it was a suite with a separately...

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03: That Apple Cider

Though the hotel Starshadow was staying at was close by to the club, it still took her and Big Mac almost twenty minutes to make the short trip. Starshadow wanted to avoid being seen, not because she didn't want to be seen alone with the large...

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02: That Music and Concert

In the next forty five minutes the dance club went from almost deserted to absolutely packed. There was barely enough standing room on the floors, and anypony who wanted to walk somewhere had to force their way through the massive crowd just to move a...

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01: That Strong, Silent Type

"Is that the last barrel?" Bar Back called out. "Eeyup." Big Macintosh replied, hoisting the final barrel onto his back and bringing it through the back door. He placed the full barrel next to the five others he had brought in, grunting as he heaved...

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