Reading the situation

Colton shrugged on his slightly too tight jacket as soon as he closed the door to the cab. Getting annoyed when he felt it straining against his burly build. The charcoal furred wolf was frustrated over the cabbie's clear intentions of running up the...

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Overdue Overtime

"God DAMN IT, Kevin!" The border collie snapped as she threw the documents at the cowering golden retriever. "These are the wrong documents! I needed LAST year's tax reports, not THIS year's!" "B-but- you said-" The big dog tried to nervously explain...

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Bars and Breeding's

Raya huffed and groaned into her boyfriend's mouth as he slipped his paw down her panties which were the only thing she was wearing. Everything else had been discarded long before on their rushed beeline for her bedroom. The raccoon couldn't hold back...

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Experimenting with the librarian

Darren groaned as he stretched out in his chair, making the attempt to crack his tired back. The snowshoe cat had been studying in the library for a few hours now and decided he needed a break. Luckily there wasn't anyone else around, the college...

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You do have a heart

All things considered this had been a pretty good Saturday for Eric so far; His bills had been paid, he'd looked at some apartments, all his chores and most of his tedious errands were done, hell he was even thinking of visiting a car dealership later...

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Incubus- Awakening

\*Note: All characters in this story are 18 or older\* It had been a very uneventful Saturday so far, even if it was Carter's birthday. His family had wished him a happy birthday, his mom had made him his favorite breakfast and his dad was...

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Literature lab rat

Maddie chewed the inside of her cheek as she tried to keep herself focused on the days lesson. It didn't help that the professor was nearing seventy and it showed in how the badger droned on and on in what had to be the most monotonous, boring voice...

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The Perfect Roles

Sam huffed as he started entering the final stretch of his morning workout, the mouse had another fifteen minutes of running on the treadmill and then he'd be finished. He'd been going to the gym ever since he'd started college four months ago but...

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