Loona's Love Life. Chapter 4

Loona's Love Life. Chapter 4: Little White Lies. May 2, 2021. Alex quickly stepped through the portal to earth and gave a soft shutter as the cool spring air hit his face. "Ok, here's my number, don't get the wrong idea." Loona threatened as Alex...

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Loona's Love Life. Chapter 3

Loona's Love Life. Chapter 3: Angels & Demons. Cletus, Keenie, and Colins all gave out a collective gasp as they watched a bolt head straight for the bitch's face. Their momentary glee was short lived however and soon turned to horror as they saw a...

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Loona's Love Life. Chapter 2

Loona's Love Life. Chapter 2: Some Good Deeds. Moxxie continued to look after Alex as he lay resting on the companies coach. Loona sat at her desk, every now and then she would look up from her phone over to Alex and huffed in annoyance. ...

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Dear Reader's I have an announcement!

Do to my compulsive nature to get thing's right i am going to take off my current story and rework it. I am also going to be working on Several different stories at the same time and post them as i get done. I plan on publishing these stories so that...


I Need Help!!

Im writing a book that i want to get published but i need some help with some sci-fi gadget's to put into the book. If you guy's have any idea's please let me know. Oh and a little about the story. It's a post apocalyptic sci-fi romance with human's,...

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D&D: Gladiator School, The New Recruit's, Character introduction.

Hello everyone this is a little experiment that i want to do but i need your help. I need 4 volunteer's to come up with 4 dnd character's that they want to role play. Then i will come up with a story line that will use everyone character and post what...

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