Lover's Endless Rivalry Chapter 2

Zane had just enough time to brace himself as he waited for death to claim him. What came next was... "ACHOO!" A... sneeze? Zane slowly peeked one eye open slowly. He saw the Seviper sniffle and coil into itself as it shivered harshly...

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Lover's Endless Rivalry Chapter 1

The Mirage Forest was bustling with delirium within the territory of a Zangoose pack as whispers drifted along the winds of the air about their pack elder choosing the heir to be the next leader. As berries and other food was being stored and members...

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Dousing Your Inner Flames

The chief of the Valimore fire department saw his men were enjoying their time off together with sparkling cider and story swapping, after a local fire was started in the farmlands when some angsty teens set off some fireworks in the fields. Summer was...

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The S-Brothers Chapter 3

As the three pairs of fathers and sons left the school grounds, the dads all walked side-by-side as they began laughing. Ammon was laughing out loud with no restraint, Claude laughed with some pull back so he wasn't as loud, and Kasai chuckled through...

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The S-Brothers Chapter 2

A groggy headache was the first thing that Stolas noticed as he woke up. His eyes flickered with overwhelmingly bright lights seeping in between his cracked eyelids. He soon adjusted to the brightness as he was able to now see the pristine, white glow...

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High School Dilemma Chapter 3

The horrible whistle sounded and my body felt like it was going to spontaneously and instinctually combust like a trained dog would react to such a sound, knowing what that whistle meant. The beginning of Physical Education class or PE, my least...

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Wild First Encounter

Being born a green Machop may have been cool if you were a human but not if you were in the wild. That is the unfortunate reality for Chad. He wasn't accepted by his peers because of his shiny coloring. They viewed him as ugly as an ogre and weak...

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