Mundane (Revision 3)[WIP]

_Pop. Pop. Crackle._ I laid by the glowing hearth, flames dancing in front of me. Sounds of water tap-tapped along the roof and windows as droplets collided with obstacles that impeded their flight from the heavens to the ground. I find it so easy to...

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Minds: "Prologue"

What is the use of staying sane when there is no one with which to share sanity with? The most important of logs and journal entries being meaningless scribbles in the end. If no one has their mind, and everyone is the same, does that make a new...

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#002 Madison King

**#2 - King, Madison** _Age: 6 Sex: Female_ January 16, 2028, "Dear Diary, I cried today. I know Mommy tells me not to cry, and to be a strong butterfly, but I can't help it. Mommy is still asleep, I keep shaking her and saying, "Mommy wake...

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#001 - Michael Crowshaw

**#1 - Crowshaw, Michael** _Age: 38 Sex: Male_ January 27, 2028, "I know. I know where I am. Hell. I just woke up one day. After the second nuke wiped where I say I live off the face of the planet by my own nation, I can, with confidence, say...

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#003 - Blake Wonet

#3 - Wonet, Blake Age: 23 Sex: Male March 3 "Awesomeness Log #1 Thanks to my babe Trish for this log idea thing! This apocalypse thing is AWESOME! It is how America should have been. This is freedom. Not free to do some shit and go to jail. There...

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Stories (Kill. Survive. Die) - Prologue [WiP]

Earth is dying. A bomb dropped. With that bomb, also dropped the final limb of the stark, naked tree that Earth's future and survival clung to. Another bomb. Now it is only a matter of time. _60 _percent of Earth lies an irradiated hell. _15_...

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I love you, Honey, Baby, Sweetie, Love, I love the way you talk to me, I love the way you melt away after a hard day, I love how, no matter what, you always find a way to say, I love you, I love you too, You could be hundreds of...


Chapter 1

Nothing makes you feel smaller than watching the sunrise on Earth from the moon. "Hey, Nrylia, take a look at the view," Lance motioned to her with a black glove. "Gods..." Nrylia stared at the big blue planet until nearly she became blind. ...

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Chapter 10: Cleansing and the Celebration of Life (Part I)

Chapter 10 "Cleansing and the Celebration of Life (Part I)" Rowen woke up in the morning to an empty bed. Kira's scent still dwelled in his nostrils, her exquisite taste still welcomely loitered on his tastebuds. Her cute moans echoing in his ears....

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[Scraps] A Bitter End (Flamechild)

Something triggered deep within Rowen. I won't die like this. Rowen shot back up the cliff, he, somehow found it in himself to manipulate wind. He screamed, "You son of a bitch!" The jet black sabretooth turned around, claws dripping with fresh...

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WIP Fetish Story is WIP

He aimed his cock down at the girl, who waited patiently, blushing nervously. "Nrrnggh, are you sure you want to do this, Cat?" He couldn't hold it any longer. He let himself go. The girl shrunk back in surprise at first as she was met with her...

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Alone Being alone, I like being alone. it's quiet and nice, I am alone with myself and my thoughts. I just wish... I just wish that I could be alone with you. you wouldn't get in my way. please. Come be alone with me. being lonely isn't so bad...
