Commission: Dressed for War Part 1

Business moved along as usual through the mercantile city of Dewclaw. The upper markets were full to the brim, and the sun had just settled in the cloudless sky but something seemed to be lacking. Dewclaw housed a large percentage of turf tigers and...

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Flora: Singing Sisters

A bright bellflower hung over a desk which illuminated a sheet of paper with musical notes neatly jotted down on it. Seated at the desk was a black-furred Singing Rabbat with clear blue eyes and frosted blue paws. They tapped at their cheek as they...

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Flora: Dreaming of Love

A soft breeze rustled through blue leaves and grass in a forest cut off and separated far from the noise of the closest city. The song of the wind was the only thing heard along the edge the of trees and brush, but deeper in the forest the sound of...

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Flora Commission: Restricted and Stained

A satyrbun stood in front of a full-length mirror dressed in a simple blouse that was nearly see-through and nothing else. Her hair was a sweet blond and the majority of her fur a gentle beige. Both of her green-furred arms were up adjusting her hair...

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Flora: Painted Journey Chapter 3

After a dreamless slumber, Aria woke up. Her eyes were struggling to open one after the other and she swore everything was still dark. When she pulled her cheek off of the pillow she noticed something sticky with the source of the substance being her...

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Flora: Candid in Dewclaw Chapter 2

Lunch had just finished and Toyle was leaning back on his seat at an outdoor cafe with his legs drawn up on Claude's lap. His eyes were glued to the screen of his compact flipping through the comments of the first part of the broadcast. People had been...

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Flora: The Hunt

Out at the edge of the Teslic Yard stood a building where various folk went about their business, some wearing simple lab coats and others protective gear in order to venture into the dangerous portions of the area. A train bound from Dewclaw stopped...

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Flora: A Toy's Test

A Toy Cat Demon with red fur stood in a living room with rosy decor and by a lavender couch. Both of their ears were twitching, listening for the front door, one ear red and the other one white. On the couch was a small pink box that they had a paw on....

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Floraverse Fan Fic: Idol Mistake

Port Innsmouth, Lakeside. Chance and Carta had been traveling towards Mew York City to find themselves some new stock and maybe explore a little, and Lakeside would be their checkpoint before heading deeper into the territories. Already they had...

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Flora: A Cat's Hat

Dewclaw, a bustling center of commercial enterprises both legal and not so much. To most, it offered a place to find something fantastic and perhaps even beyond the imagination. Maybe some wanted to find something magic or cursed, maybe someone was...

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Flora: Candid in Dewclaw 3

Toyle stood by while the world kept on going. The streets of Dewclaw were bustling while the sun above was burning down on him. Both he and his cameraman Claude stood by a stand where they had bought a few drinks to cool off after recording. His own...

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Flora: Dragged Along for a Bet

A soft blanket of gray hung over Dewclaw and small drops of rain fell down from the sky. A variety of species walked in a crowd while the rain scattered off of their heads and whatever protection they had to keep them dry. A towering figure walked...

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