Taking one for the Team-Part I
Celeste was a pure silver-scaled dragoness with features of a humanoid. her father was half human half dragon as well as she was.
Writing Practice 1.
It was a rainy evening, the clouds blotting out what little of the sun was left as it hung down low in the sky, threatening to make it's daily pass under the horizon. Eli found times like this especially relaxing, even as the gray, foreboding skies...
Giving a Hellhound a massage
It was widely accepted amongst golem enthusiasts that humanoid golems were simply inefficient and a waste of effort, and diedrich was no different.
the drowning
Sometimes he likes to pretend he is drowning. On nights like these everything is awful and at the same time peacefully the end of the world. Being dead, there is no worry, and all the problems, are easy to forget. When under the waters, eyes closed,...
PokeMEN World: Manual
However, their faces became slightly more humanoid with more human features, although there are some traits that are more bestial than human, and they keep the colors and facial markings of their original bodies. oh!
Steamy Days of Erick Archer Part 1 Act 1
Finding his seat which is occupied by his one friend kyle jenkins a humanoid snake-lizard. wearing a football jersey that says "boston boa's" and the number 28 along with the name jenkins just below it.
Destiny, Sands of Time
The grains of sand spin the vortex of time like waves in the ocean. Golden dust pulsing in and out, washing over all life and spinning it around and around; mixing the good and the bad, flowing through your finger tips, like a sharp mist unable to be...
An Occurrence in Late Fall
An Occurrence in Late Fall A mournful tune played on the jukebox, colorful diodes now ghostly and dead. Outside, clouds above toyed with the idea of snow. Deciding it was to their liking, an order was sent, and the storage clouds opened up...
At dinner with dragons, ACT II
AT DINNER WITH DRAGONS ACT 2 _A gay vore fantasy_ A butt-naked Rael sat down on the soft leaves to wear the pants and the boots he removed, with the dragon he just had sex with standing by as he busied himself. Many rushing thoughts entered and...
Then, lower, below her waist her body was covered in white and orange fur from her tight pussy down to her furred and clawed humanoid feet. her tail swished. . . no, two tails swished as she admired herself.
Strange mines
The gootraxian and pony miners were extracting demonite, rainbonite and constellarium on the other side of Fequm. However after emperor Bigpip returned from one of his diplomatic trips by a warship. The miners have noticed that they aren't finding any...
Chapter 3 version 2 - Inevitable Fear flooded Seth's mind as he raced down the road to Rastis, he couldn't hear the wolfhounds anymore but still knew he was far from safe out along this road. He'd have to travel through the forest if he wanted a...