The Race of the Rexes 4 - The Rise And Fall of Li'l Rex
Eventually he collapsed under a glowing neon sign of a bar called the ibis, looking to see some figure of a long-beaked bird, murmuring in wanting to leave this city. "gotta...get outta here...gotta...leave. i...ibis...gunther..."
Choose Your Own Adventure - Sandin (1)
An ibis in a black suit and a broad-brimmed black hat dashes in. he drops two 10 pence on the bar and squawks "here you go, i'll get you the rest later!". then he hops up on one foot, adds, "gotta run.
The crystall skull - Short background history
**short history** the kingdom of ibis was always seen as a monolith of peace in the region. situated almost in the centre of the continent, it quickly turned into a popular place for traders to sell their wares.
World of Terra Syn, part 1
The anthrobirds included the archaeopteryx, the eagle, the swan, the ibis, and the peacock. but they formed their societies on islands. after the birds came the apes of the mammals.
Stories from Lochwell 5. The Slave Part One
The ibis grabbed hold of the jackal boy's scalp before pulling a knife from the robes they wore and looked directly at ar'kesh as they put the knife to the child's throat and said in the ancient tongue "di'an ku orthro marg'th kivroon ba'sa-uumn".
Judgement (snuff, teen, rape)
"that's gross..." the anthropomorphic ibis grumbled, causing anubis' eyes to shoot open and with a startled yelp covered himself with the blanket. his cheeks were actually burning up, small flames appearing over them.
A Dino's Crisis 5 - A New Era In An Old World
"wake...wha...n-nnnngh...ibis...s-stay back..." eventually she couldn't take it anymore and decided to try visiting someone who knew about unusual things.
Set Back
The chaos god didn't need to wait long, as horus himself got above the ibis's dick. as the gold bird impaled himself on the other's rod, set used a vice grip to replicate the action best he could.
Blackhart's Fate
Within an hour the ibis seemed satisfied that the newly minted slave of the city was in sufficiently good health as to be able to assume whatever duties basul had planned for him. with a final nod and the exchange of papers the ibis was politely led out.
Tea for Two - Ch. 1: In where there's tea and troubles
An ibis? i would have guessed some kind of bird because of how he seemed too ethereal and light, almost to a surreal degree. he turned right and crossed the street, and i followed.
Dolphin Family (part 5) - Good goes to Bad...
An ibis, a seal, and a few other creatures. she was closer to the seal, not because they were both marine mammals, but because she had been friends with seals before.
Story of Kelta - Prologe
Po uprzednim zapytaniu gdzie jest warsztat ibis odnalaz? cel swoich poszukiwa?. warsztat by? schowany mi?dzy blaszakami w sposób do?? pomys?owy i mo?na by pomy?le? ?e to kolejna sklecona b?d? jak buda. ale wedle danych by?