Story Commission for Brallion: Yeapus & Fig

Though apparently inorganic material, such as his clothing, must not be able to survive the trip through time. fig's excitement over his success, however, was distracted by the sight of another person standing a few yards away from him.

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A Treatsie on Aether and Magic

Esper magic focuses on manipulating the aether directly through one's mind power, instead of using the inorganic or organic world as a conduit. in the most basic form, one can project violet-shaded raw aetherized energy, called psi.



He knew what the venom did; it paralyzed the target and melted through light inorganic matter like clothing.the gurgling laughter was getting closer; he couldn't do a fucking thing... his ass in the air and his face all but chewing on the clearing floor.

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Learning to Love

He said, letting his own hand stroke up and down the droid's torso, completely indifferent to the inorganic nature. "would you mind helping me get off? it's been a very long day and i would enjoy that very much. and yes, it is appropriate to ask that."

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New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 2 - "A Job to Do"

"i am sorry, mugen," the robot said, now unmoving, shame evident even in his inorganic speech pattern. "i just do not like it when my weapons--" "i know, i know," mugen said, waving his paw through the air to silence his partner.

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Curse of the Weretoy

Now it was dyed a rustic chocolate brown that gleamed with a clearly inorganic material. even his belly button was protruding out in a distorted shape.

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The End and The Beginning - Character Sheet - Rumar Black-Iron

A creature made of inorganic material such as stone, crystal, or metal has disadvantage on this saving throw. a nonmagical object that isn't being worn or carried also takes the damage if it's in the spell's area. at higher levels.

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Southern Free Agents, Ch 5

"bah-- they just said it can't imbue inorganic material. dirt isn't organic, essy." malik counter-scoffed, making quite a trumped-up show of it, up to and including 'flowery' language. "feh. poppycock, i say.

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Hunting Death- What Draaknei Look Like

I can take any inorganic object and transform it to be a part of me for as long as i want and have the internal magic to maintain. i actually have the entire library of the mage that i got this from. he wasn't going to need it anymore."

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Warm Up | 21 - Scales

They were in a milkshake parlor where inorganic ingredients made up the organic-seeming menu items they had.

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The Beginning Chapter 2

That gun thing over there is called the molecular transfer ray, and it can merge the molecules of both inorganic and organic matter. it was first used by dr. chase.

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Truth and Consequences 2: Dorzeli: Finish Her?

"no, this teleportation technology is more advanced than the old system i used during the rebellion; this one can transport living tissue and inorganic material simultaneously without destroying the surrounding area."

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