Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot Teil 04

Das weibchen, aruna, roch bereits sehr anziehend, doch das männchen, johann, davor wollte er sich in acht nehmen. kaum das er im raum war, wurde er auch schon von johann an-geknurrt. jorge knurrte zurück, sein halsband über­setzte nicht.

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Federal Holiday (Act1, Book2, Chapter15)

johann fell into step with the two agents. "oh. that's uh..." johann licked his lips and shrugged. "neat." they walked through the airport and crossed over to the parking garage. johann looked around.

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A spell to forget

But johann was the one who moaned after feeling huge pressure around his member.

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In Training (A2,B3,C13)

"my friends are going to need help," johann murmured. "i don't want them walking into something they can't handle. okay, one more thought to consider," said johann.

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Homecoming (A2B3C6)

johann walked away from justus and headed for charlie's bedroom. nothing appeared out of place. he went to his own childhood bedroom then made his way back out to the living room. johann knelt down in front of the television and turned it on.

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Details (unabridged outtake) (B6, C16)

** asked johann foster. justus turned to greg watson then back to johann with a slim smile. "would you like to explain it, agent?"

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Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot Teil 02

johann bemerkte sehr wohl wie die katze, katti, katti war ihr name, den raum betrat, doch beim besten willen, er konnte nicht aufhören. johann blendete die beobachterin aus.

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Mourning Wake (A1, B11, C17)

johann gave evan a firm pat on the back and turned to karla. "okay, what now?" karla grinned. "i _would_ suggest a wild orgy, but evan is married, and so am i. sorry, johann."

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Ryan Muskrat 1

"johannes," i said, "i love you." "i love you too, ryan." i saw johannes pick up his hands and grip them on the couch. he lifted him and me on the couch, and laid us down.

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Only Fools Rush In (C5, Act1, Book1)

johann waved his hands over the glass and focused. "metal," he murmured. the glass began to change. everyone grew quiet, watching closely. johann strained, curling his upper lip on the right side. "c'mon," he whispered.

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Calm Between the Storms (A2,B3,C12)

johann bit his lower lip and simply murmured the word, "jesus." watson glanced at the body of the woman then back at johann again. "yeah ... it was a mess.

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A Change In The Wind (Act1, Book2, Chapter13)

johann paused with a frown. "sorry. it just slipped out." "i got the joke, johann." "okay, okay." johann put his hands up. "sorry, i'm just ... okay. i get it. slight temporal perception. increased reflex time. ms.

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