Cosmic Stars - Chapter Sixteen

jun smiled back at her. she returned to her work and jun rested against one of the nearby tables while he waited. considering everything that has been going on, jun could say that he was feeling happy again.

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The Eye - Part 2

He inhaled from time to time, muzzle closed, to bask in the scent: the scent of jun's sweat, jun's balls...and jun's spilled seed.

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Skunk Goddess

Kyle stroked jun's black and pink hair. "'re always so good at this, you know?" jun wasn't sure whether to feel humiliated, or turned on. kyle wasn't forcing him to do this. jun was doing this of his own will.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Nine

jun sprinted forward and dove at his parents, wrapping his arms around their weak bodies. "where have you two been?" he asked, squeezing their fur. "j-jun?" sunee fa questioned. she was in worse condition than jun's father was. "jun!

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter One

_yukiomaru._ jun cringed at the sound of the name of his friend. that arctic fox was the best friend jun ever had and remembering him was still too painful. "what of the other colonies?" asked jun, diverting his eyes away from tang's.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Six

He now sat in a booth next to jun, with tang and yelena across from them. "so how is the fight here?" jun hesitated at the question.

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The Prince's New Clothes 2 WIP

Manchu jun examined the small details of his room. the luxurious plush bed, a very serene overlook of the palace garden, all actually befitting someone of his stature. jun enjoyed it.

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JTB ch5: Crossroad

Once this was done i'd be free from having to do any more- jun: "ah!" seiya: "jun?!"

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(Assisted) Crime and Punishment

There were many reasons that the granbull feared jun. for starters, ghost-types always freaked him out. but there was also the starter pokémon's fire capabilities. jun had a habit of using heat to torment the granbull.

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Ch1: Kanariya (Canary)

jun: "kiyoto-san, i'm sorry. i..." at that moment, kiyoto-san's body suddenly moved, and the bedcovers were thrown off. jun: "waahhh!" kiyoto: "the hell are you doing, jun?"

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