Drachenherz Teil 68
Bertram nahm das katana, ebenso wie der geist und lies es im boden verschwinden. danach formten die beiden ein neues fingerzeichen. an der stelle, in der die beiden katanas im boden versanken tat sich ein dunkelrotes loch auf.
Death's Blood Ch. Twenty-Nine: Conflicting Resonances
I pull out my katana again after switching the naginata to my right hand. now, vadimir must get close to me if he wants to kill me. i lunge, thrusting the katana. i swipe at the same angle with it, back and forth.
Mikari quickly spun around and drew her katana slightly, seeing that it was the red-grey furred wolf from every one of her duels. she sheathed her katana again, and her eyes squinted in annoyance.
Dragonheart Part 81
"do not run away," he shouted, swinging his katana. "i do not run away!" replied nayu and stood before him.
Its Like an Action Movie
One paw on the hilt of her katana faye approached him. "jerome, you asked to see me?"
Fur's Random Swordplay 1
The brown wolf grabbed the blade, that of a finely crafted katana, and held it in place. his strength was fading fast, but he had to give xer the chance he needed.
Fur's Random Swordplay 1
The brown wolf grabbed the blade, that of a finely crafted katana, and held it in place. his strength was fading fast, but he had to give xer the chance he needed.
Order of Pengu #6
Second, the bad guy didn't use a katana so i'm still sorta right." "so you are implying you are a bad guy?", asked zzyzx with an annoyed expression. "i'm not totally bad. here, i got you a katana so you can properly defend yourself."
Dragonheart Part 29
Eventually he jumped tion by this and took back. katana and held it with both hands and closed his eyes. suddenly the water collected on his coat and his katana.
Drachenherz Teil 81
, schrie er und schwang sein katana. „ich laufe nicht weg!", erwiderte nayu und blieb vor ihm stehen.
Drachenherz Teil 29
Plötzlich sammelte sich wasser an seinem fell und an seinem katana.
Devil Seed Ch.9
Cain hunched over and laid his katana across his back to block just as the hyena's sword came down. he then brought the katana around front and turned to face the hyena, making another attack as he did.