From Elsweyr With Love (#1)
#86 of prequel sashimi commissioned this from kazerad and it inspired me to do something a little unusual. i'm writing a fan fiction based on it. i'll be posting it here in sections as usual. here's chapter 1.
Overcasting Shorts 1 - In and Out of the Mind of the Former Empress that Never Was
S1: in and out of the mind of the former empress that never was katia managan belongs to kazerad everything else belongs to bethesda.
Overcasting 3: Chapter 3
Katia managan belongs to kazerad. everything else belongs to bethesda. 3: a break, broken if there was ever a time to hold his nerve, this was it.
Overcasting 3: Chapter 2
Katia managan belongs to kazerad. everything else belongs to bethesda. 2: falling (in rivers, down waterfalls, in love all over again) there was an almighty snap.
Overcasting Shorts 4 - Greater Yearning
S4: greater yearning katia managan belongs to kazerad everything else belongs to bethesda brilliant sunshine spread across an open field, shadows failing to find a place to pool, with the sun directly overhead.
Overcasting Shorts 3 - Calm Surface, Rapid Undercurrent
Katia managan is owned by kazerad. everything else is owned by bethesda.
Overcasting 3: Chapter 1
Katia managan belongs to kazerad. everything else bethesda. overcasting 3: or making the cat legendary "shut up, you deranged fleabag," the imperial guard grumbled.
Overcasting 3: Chapter 4
Katia managan belongs to kazerad. everything else belongs to bethesda. 4: sappy love, mounds and mountains katia stared at the stars.
Overcasting 3: Chapter 6
Katia managan belongs to kazerad everything else belongs to bethesda. 6: renewed, refreshed, returned, renewed katia had no idea where she was. she clearly wasn't inside quill-weave, yet it looked the same as when she believed it was.
Overcasting 3: Chapter 5
Katia managan belongs to kazerad. everything else belongs to bethesda. 5: flight, footsteps and failure the door creaked open and bragne entered.
Overcasting 2 - Part 1
Overcasting 2: or: making the cat substantial katia managan and briarbird belong to kazerad. everything else belongs to bethesda. 1: inquisitory medication "fresh of the printing block!
Overcasting 3: Chapter 7 (Final)
Katia managan belongs to kazerad. everything else belongs to bethesda. 7: cycles, growth (inside and out) and blooming this was the twelfth attempt. it didn't stop hurting.