Overcasting 3: Chapter 1

Story by Mattariel on SoFurry

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#8 of Overcasting

It's been a while, no? I'll spare most of the details for now, but it's been a less than ideal few months and it's been difficult finding enough focus to write, but here we go.

The first thing I ever wrote for public viewing, Overcasting is ultimately fanfiction based around the Prequel: Making the Cat Cry webcomic. It's been over a year since I touched it and I first wanted to finish the story altogether.

That hasn't quite come to pass, but here's a new part all the same. I'll be releasing the chapters weekly as I haven't quite finished this yet, and also as advice from mercrantos (who, once again, helped with this a great deal, so thank you as always) to divide this story into chunks.

Overcasting tells the story of an alternative set of events where Katia and Quill-Weave have found themselves turned into giants via a daedric curse. What follows is their tale as they continue to get used to this, and each other.

Katia Managan belongs to Kazerad.

Everything else Bethesda.

Overcasting 3:

Or Making the Cat Legendary

"Shut up, you deranged fleabag," the imperial guard grumbled.

The narrow and ancient stone tunnel fit the prisoner's mood; dreary, so cramped it felt like the walls were closing in and he was surrounded by people better equipped and better skilled at all times. He stared at the back of the guard in front as he held a torch and the dull, heavy metal he wore absorbed the light.

The prisoner wondered how the two humans escorting him could see in the cramped passage and its uneven floor. The chained cat-man had no such trouble as his slitted eyes glowed and gave everything a green tinge but pierced the darkness. As they turned a corner and a number of cells confronted him, he finally plucked up the courage to speak. "This one swears on his life, it wasn't Ra'adiir! It was the skull! Vaermina's fucking skull..." Ra'adiir whimpered.

"There's nothing up for discussion!" The guard in front briefly leered at him over his shoulder, then once more watched his step. "You were seen murdering an innkeeper, assaulting two citizens and had no less than four thousand septims of stolen wares stashed in your rented room! The only reason you still breathe is because you surrendered, but if you don't shut up, that could be rectified."

"I... alright, Ra'adiir accepts blame for the stolen goods... some of it, maybe half but- but Khajiit keeps telling you! You have to find the skull befo-" the khajiit yelped as he was struck with the haft of a spear in his back. He briefly wondered if he should be honoured to be hit by a weapon of such rarity but simply chose to follow along. He was yanked to a stop in front of a cell door, his shackles were undone and he was kicked inside. Ra'adiir stumbled into the cell. A very familiar prison cell, at that. One that he had occupied a year ago and had escaped from, albeit with unique help.

As soon as the guards locked the door and walked away, he felt the wall for a hidden switch; a stone with the tiny hairline gap in the mortar and found it with ease. After all, he'd seen it used before. Ra'adiir grinned as he pushed it, but it wouldn't move. He shoved harder, then kicked it and tumbled backwards. He snarled, teeth bared, and went to punch the button, then he stopped and realised this was his lot in life and sighed. Defeat, capture, defeat, capture...

"Hey, kitty kitty," a voice called through the cell bars. Ra'adiir's hackles rose and his eye twitched with violent intent. "That's it. There's a rat in my cell, khajiit. A fat, tasty rat. Does the kitty want it? Is the kitty hung-?"

The khajiit threw himself the cell door so hard a trickle of old mortar dislodged from the hinges. He screamed, "shut the fucking fuck up, you grey faced fuck!! If Ra'adiir ever get his hands on you This One will flay you alive, make a fucking whip from your fucking skin and work you to death on a moon-sugar plantation you ash-shitting cunt!"

"Whoa! Okay, okay!" The dunmer opposite stepped back and out of sight. "Wow. Sensitive much?"

The khajiit spent the last of his anger with another slam of his hands against the bars as the fire within him was snuffed. Ra'adiir sat down in the corner beneath the tiny, barred window and reminisced about his previous escape with his head buried in his hands. The former emperor, Uriel Septim the Seventh, was escorted through this very cell by people from a group known as the Blades. The emperor was someone who apparently had some pretty vivid dreams about the khajiit (which was really weird, and not that Ra'adiir was judgemental, but the emperor was a human, and old, and not much to look at... his face looked like a potato, although to be honest most humans did). Strange as it all was, at least said dreams gave Ra'adiir his freedom but the emperor and most of the Blades died before they could get out.

But the whole event gave Ra'adiir a purpose! The emperor himself had told the khajiit to go find a man named Jauffre, the leader, or at least _a_leader, of the Blades and deliver an amulet set with a red stone the size of a child's fist. So taken aback was Ra'adiir that he actually didn't plan to run off with the trinket and intended to see where destiny planned to take him!

But then the khajiit was distracted. Everyone was.

That was the fateful day when the world became aware of Katia Managan. A khajiit pursuing a four armed, red skinned fiend a fraction of her size, but this monster was no imp or vermin. No, the monster was a hundred feet tall, or really big at any rate he couldn't tell at that distance (it's funny how details of things inside cities gets worse when you're outside of it) and yet he was pathetic compared to Katia who had to be several times larger. Her monumental size advantage allowed her to dispatch him in a very unique way.

He couldn't hold back the smirk and call it what it was. She used him like a sex toy. Ra'adiir had never seen the like; a scrawny, cute, yellow furred and eyed khajiit fucked someone who was, according to the Black Horse Courier in an interview with an old argonian lady from the Arcane University, a daedric lord or prince or somesuch. Fucked to death; Ra'adiir wasn't sure if he wanted to go out the same way, but that was neither here nor there.

Apparently the prince wasn't actually dead on some technical level that only made sense to mages, but he'd seen people when they died before; they flop about and go limp. The prince did just that and the bastard's head was set to a funny angle as he was squirted out and then he exploded in a shower of light. There was even a rainbow formed from the khajiit's... pleasure spray. Katia was a champion squirter, that was for sure. A fitting and dramatic end to a very intense day.

Ra'adiir didn't actually know who either was at the time but he was caught staring from outside the city when he was knocked out and robbed. The amulet was taken and Ra'adiir, with no-one else to help him, fell in with another gang. A nasty group that eventually got disbanded by the very same giant khajiit many months later, when she was far smaller yet still huge; somewhere like three or four times as big as Ra'adiir and sturdier in build.

Then Katia arrested him and he was taken to K'vatch, handed to the guards there and set up for community service at the kind giantess' request, and once more Ra'adiir had a purpose; he was helping rebuild the town after it was attacked and damaged by lesser daedra. He even met a pretty (and normal sized) khajiit woman who had taken a shine to him! Maybe he'd find his worth, respect and have some kids and forget all about his old shitty life. Ra'adiir learned that if people asked things of him and he did them, he was trusted and rewarded. It was nothing but hard graft, but it was Ra'adiir's hard graft to prove to himself he was worth something to someone.

That led to his last 'task'. A hooded man approached Ra'adiir with a mug of wine and friendly banter after a hard day of helping rebuild K'vatch. There some talk about the khajiit having a hint of destiny and that drink knocked him out cold in one sip. Then, when he woke up, he was again press-ganged into a task for a different daedric prince than the multi-armed one. Vaermina was her name, and he was sent on a task involving entering a dream of a sleeping man.

He stopped delving down that memory and shuddered; he could either think of his current situation, or being the plaything of daedric gods beyond his scope which eventually led to his arrest. He decided to try and get some sleep instead.

Ra'adiir had years to mull it over. Always the plaything and never the player.

* * *

1: Intro(spection)

Quill-Weave was planted on a pile of old mixed feather-down mattresses and patchwork blankets. Then her clothes were torn from her body as if they were made from paper. Big, powerful and yellow furred hands pinned her down groped her and she whimpered. She was so loud that her voice reverberated around the barn and sleeping birds fled in a panic. The frantic action was at odds with the simple space, filled with simple wooden furniture, although to the casual onlooker it must have been a peculiar sight indeed.

After all, the chairs alone were as tall as the barn doors.

Pink padded palms and fingers stroked her swollen belly as the other caressed her calf and squeezed as a rough tongue lapped her thighs in a hard tease before her lover zig-zagged up across every square inch of her body. Quill-Weave craved every second of it and more.

If she were a betting woman then she'd swear the Cheydinhal residents could hear her passionate squeals and long growls; the teasing, the domination, the giggle that her larger and stronger partner loosed as the cute, yellow furred face and lidded, slitted yellow eyes filled Quill's view and obscured the surprisingly cosy barn that surrounded them. The barn was illuminated by a little beam of moonlight that poured through the cracks in the roof on a blissful summer night and it glistened against the amulet Katia wore, a simple leather string that held a pearl set in a silver pendant.

Katia's home, slowly made into a real living space, and now where Quill also lived, just like she'd promised all that time ago and now they were making love.

It was all so perfect.

"Tell me if this is too much, Quilly," Katia said as she nibbled at the argonian's neck and Quill couldn't help but lick back, the mouthful of fur was worth it as the khajiit nuzzled her back and peppered her scaled form with kisses. It was so easy for Katia to treat Quill as her plaything since she wasn't even three quarters her partners height, Quill-Weave was built for agility and athletics against Katia for greater brawn and power as well as the size difference. Neither partner complained about this basic fact. They indulged and lived it instead.

"I keep worrying about the uh..." Katia completed the trailing thought by kissing Quill's small but clearly gravid belly. A recent development. An important one. "Y'know, that. Or that would maybe have you too worried as well. I mean, we've not really had a chance to just live our lives together what with everything that's happened..." Katia trailed off and nibbled her lip, "I want to be right for you, that's all."

Quill sighed as she was pulled from her bliss and thought back to the last week; what was supposed to be a relaxing time away and a chance to clear up some old feud with Quill's previous lover ended with rescuing said old flame and a battle Quill was ill prepared for. She still bore some sore patches of damaged scale, but ultimately succeeded thanks to Katia's infinite strength. The worst of her injuries were dealt with by Katia's healing magic and a couple of potions they were offered by Chorral as thanks for their services.

The drama played out in Quill's mind again. Nord bandits, malformed people beneath a village hidden in a forest, a burnt building and a bosmer bastard who nearly killed Katia. It was a complete mess of a casual getaway with more violence and bloodshed than either woman had expected.

Quill couldn't believe she even thought that; any bloodshed was too much. The fact she was getting used to there being some wherever she went was more than a little worrying.

In any case both giantess' had recovered and they had been given back some of their leave due to the unofficial duties rendered, not to mention that reporting Quill's pregnancy meant she was off of duty for the time being. Well, active duty. Quill was due to temporarily take up study at the arcane university in the Imperial City proper. It was decided that if Katia and Quill-Weave were to remain together, Quill would have to learn to help manage Katia's condition, which meant her time spent with child would also be spent following the same path Katia herself once wanted to pursue; the path of the mage.

At least she wouldn't be bored; plenty of books and Katia visited the university often so they wouldn't be apart for long. For now, Quill had something far more pressing on her mind. Not just her needs, but Katia's concerned expression.

"Katia, I know this is all new, and we need to plan for the future, and we both still have a debt and duty to pay to the empire." Quill placed her hands on Katia's cheeks and focused those brilliant yellow eyes onto her own and said, "right now, whether I'm pregnant or gravid or whatever, I'm not gonna say another damn word until we're both so satisfied, so spent, so fucking exhausted that the rest of the world doesn't even matter. Because in the end it doesn't, so long as you're with me."

Katia's smile was instantaneous. First with relief but then with the slow, methodical smirk of a predator on the prowl into a darker, sensual lick of her lips. She pressed hers on Quill's own, then took hold of the smaller woman as she rolled and pulled Quill on top with ease as the khajiit once more lapped and kissed the scales of her lover. The coarse, rasping tongue sent shivers along Quill's spine and down her tail as it left a cool wet trail in the summer night air. She was still stunned with how it felt; to be a plaything to this tremendous woman was a pleasure she'd never known or wanted. The raw, physical bliss, the connection they had. Now Katia's doubts seemed to sink into her instead.

The thought seeped into Quill's mind like ink into clear water; clouds of doubt over such a small and fragile thing but it couldn't be ignored. She sighed. "Wait."

Katia paused and looked up at her. The khajiit's lips and tongue secured atop one of the argonian's breast and despite how Quill would have loved nothing more than for her partner to continue, Quill-Weave swallowed and cleared her throat. She said, "I know that our time in Chorrol wasn't ideal, and when I made love to you before that whole mess was the start of something wonderful," she said with a whimsical smile, "but there's one thing nagging at me since I started feeling this way."

Katia finally pulled away, albeit after she gave Quill's soft chest a final lick, and knelt upright. "Name it. Whatever you want." She suddenly flinched and her ears twisted and flattened as her eyes grew moist. "Y-you are having second thoughts, aren't you? I knew it..."

The pain on Katia's face made Quill gasp and she replied, "no, no! Don't be silly, Kat. It's not that at all." She sat up with her face level with Katia's perky breasts. Despite how much she was normally in awe of the khajiit's body and would just bury her face in the fur between those swells, Katia's expression was too oppressive and full of those old, horrible doubts that Quill thought her lover had cast off. The argonian stood and wrapped her arms around Katia's neck and just held her.

Instead of taking in the feel of her body, the swell of her bust or the softness of her fur, Quill drank in the scent of the soap Katia had used to wash that morning, the smell of wood sap and sawdust from where she had felled some trees down for the city, trimmed and debarked them ready for the craftsmen of the city.

These details were key; Quill focused on Katia as the woman she was, the surprisingly able carpenter, the woman eager to please others and craved honest praise instead of Katia as a lover Quill wanted her to be, not the dominating giant who could pleasure her beyond all reason or the woman with the powerful, sexy form. They had to be vulnerable to each other, in spite of their strengths.

"Katia, all I've ever wanted since that day we slept together is just us. No magic, no size difference, no pregnancy or bandits or whatever. Just you and me. Like I said, as if the world doesn't matter. I was wondering... with that dream delving thing you can do. Could you make us like we were? Before all of this?"

"Oh?" One of Katia's ears perked while the other kept flat, unsure. "I-I guess so, but why?"

Quill sighed with relief as she felt Katia's hands caress her back and she seemed to relax, so she explained. "I want to prove that once and for all, and despite everything that's made us the way we are now, that maybe deep down we were always meant to be. To maybe make it feel like that when you officially moved in with me after you joined the mages guild we could have been happy together. That maybe I'm not just controlled by the idea that I feel compelled to be with you because we're the only two people in the world like us... more than just because we're two giants."

"I could do that, if that's what you want." Katia pulled Quill back so they could look each other in the eye. The dampness of the giant khajiit's yellow slitted own hadn't grown worse, but she still looked concerned. "You don't have to prove anything to me though. If anything, even I admit it would be nice knowing it isn't out of sympathy, or because of how I took on Dar-Ma's feelings or because we're..." she gestured to herself and Quill in turn, then finished, "huge, as you said. I can't remove the feelings or this curse or ignore them either, but... you know what? You're right!"

Katia's refreshed exuberance, once a source of worry for Quill, now made her heart flutter as the khajiit's eyes sparkled beyond the fading tears.

"I could make it like- like it would be before all this. As if we just decided we were right for each other. This is the first time I've felt this way about someone, so if that's what you want, of course I'll do it!"

Katia shuffled around on the bed and flat on her back and she gestured for Quill to climb on top of her. She did, enjoying the plush fur beneath her as the pair settled in, with Quill's head nestled between Katia's breasts and her legs stopped a little short of the larger woman's own. Two well muscled and furred arms shrouded the argonian like the world's most secure and comforting blanket.

"Just relax, as if you're trying to sleep... oh, and Quill?"

"Yes, Kat?"

"... actually, never mind. Just try and breathe with me."

"Oh, u-um," Quill stammered, "I'll try, I guess. Kat, you realise I have no idea what I'm doing in all this, right? What if something goes wrong?"

Katia giggled and said, "relax. It'll be easier when you're in there. Your mind will fool you into believing what you see is real, like how you believed you could change the past with Dar-Ma in your dream back then. Well, before I entered it. If you believe we're back there and then, we will be in all the ways that matter."

"Right. Sure thing." Quill settled down and slowed her breathing. She enveloped herself in the feel of those huge hands that rested on her body; not just the warm fur but the harder pads of her palm and fingers. The slow, heavy pulls of her breath as Katia, too, breathed slower and slower. With her head resting between the swells of Kat's breasts, she could hear the low, heavy but peaceful thump of the khajiit's heart. It was a unique but effective lullaby.

Within moments, she felt Katia's spirit or mind, or whatever it was. All she knew was it felt like warm, enveloping aura that pulled the her into a deep, peaceful sleep.

* * *

It was a familiar dalliance for Katia; to leave the world of mortals and become as a wisp in the dreaming world beyond it, unknown to most. A place where her connection to magic was maybe not as strong or direct, but far more varied and flexible. Not set spells, but influences. Not throwing a ball of fire, but heating the air. A landscape once so terrifying, so rife with a stark phobia of royalty and people of power, now a landscape that she could explore and a canvas she could paint upon.

It couldn't be described as anything but a canvas really; it was both a black void yet there was colour everywhere, both in the now and trails left by everything from animals and people, as well as their memories, but even some objects had presence.

Distance and time didn't make any sense here, but it did factor in to how strongly one could see or sense others but Quill-Weave was so keenly present a woman whose soul Katia was already so intertwined with her own. It was a lighthouse in the dark by comparison to the wisps around her, and she approached Quill.

Slight as it was, and because of Quill-Weave's subtle fears of what Katia was trying to do, the light flared and writhed like a snake. Katia's perception of this even gave it the shape of great serpent made of joined stars and beams of light. It loomed at Katia and studied her as it swayed back and forth, but some of Quill's real world attempts to relax made the great creature settle and coil in on itself.

This emotion disrupted Katia's ability to approach, so she stopped and took in the world around her for some way to get closer. This was Quill-Weave in all real senses. She was no giantess here, just as Katia wasn't (although Katia had never seen herself in this realm; apparently it was dangerous to do so, or so said her tutor, Tar-Meena). They were souls and nothing more, the likes of which could be torn free and placed into black soul gems.

Therefore; Katia soul searched. Common ground would likely ease the way, so Katia circled and looked for what she knew of her, and Quill for what she knew of Katia.

The head was the now, which was why it was aware and active, so the tail was her beginning; it was inescapable from the head but it could be ignored and left behind for a time, so she approached from there once the serpent relaxed.

Just as Katia didn't know Quill from that far back, the tail was imperceivable and ethereal, but suddenly she saw clarity and moved towards it. This would make it easy! Katia's wisp like form reached and felt for Quill's memories of Katia.

It... felt spiky? There was something else; smooth and round but attached to a long, thin cord.

What the fuck was that? Katia forced her way in.

A form emerged; humanoid! Oh, yellow fur! Was it Katia? It was!

And a pineapple... and a yo-yo. A lot of onlookers.

If Katia had limbs in the formless dream world she would have slapped herself on the forehead. She followed and picked a spot farther along... or further? Katia didn't know which was technically correct here.

Another gentle coax of the great serpent revealed... a forest? A wounded horse. Ah, Blossom. Dar-Ma's horse.

That was recent stuff; Katia and Quill-Weave had just become partners after being apart while they trained and worked for the legion. Quill-Weave had ended her last relationship on a bad note and wanted to clear things up with her old partner, Dar-Ma. Only on their way to Chorrol they discovered Blossom loose and followed the poor mare to a violent scene but no bodies.

Katia and Quill were pointed towards a mysterious village called Hackdirt. They were accosted by a bosmer who all but killed Katia but was saved by a quirk of her giant form; magicka didn't stop building in her even at what would be a normal limit. It made her grow larger and her wounds would heal at an astonishing rate as she did. It was why she wore an amulet that artificially capped her magicka reserves by a small amount.

The khajiit was getting distracted, so she summed up the memory to at least finish reminiscing; Katia was spared death by using a magic font that made her too big to investigate the village. This meant Quill had to lead a contingent of Chorrols guards in, they found out Dar-Ma was being kept beneath the village in some caves and guarded by a nord bandit. A nord who outmatched the Chorrol guards and forced Quill to engage him. Quill was an archer foremost and her size advantage was quashed by the cramped cave. It took Katia tearing her way into the caves with her enlarged size to bring that mess to a close.

Katia and Quill survived and were stronger for it and it proved that they were still mortal. Still vulnerable. More importantly they still achieved the initial goal of burying Quill's hatchet with her old lover and things were now friendly between Quill, Dar-Ma and her fierce-tongued mother, Seed-Neeus.

Once more, Katia roamed the serpent's stellar form and found a spot in between the... pineapple incident and the shadows over Hackdirt.

Katia saw two giants; herself and Quill. They approached a great tower. The White-Gold tower of the imperial city! She was close, but her mind was drawn to the image. This was when Katia and Quill were deep in the throes of the curse. It had dragged Katia's deepest fears and turned them into a personality that took her over.

For the longest time, Katia was afraid of royalty and lords. An irrational fear, and this fear took control of Katia's body and made a her some total bitch of a wannabe empress. Ever the screw up, she then cast an imperfect version of the curse on Quill which turned her into the first subject of 'Empress Katia' and they had designs for Cyrodiil's capital city.

At the same time a cult had instigated an invasion or a coup within the city. Also by the time Katia and Quill arrived the curse had began to wane...

Fuck it, Katia thought and pulled back; she didn't need to relive all this again. All that was important after then was it left Katia the biggest woman in the land and susceptible to what appeared to be infinite growth if she didn't manage her 'condition' and keep her magicka reserves from reaching the peak and beyond.

The only real mercy was that she didn't suffer from her size thanks to the lingering magic within her. In fact it made the mere act of living at even her default size improve her fitness and gain strength at an absurd rate that only amplified the bigger she was at the time, albeit it was also dangerous for her being too big for too long. The growth regenerated her, wounds and stamina both, to offset this drain but at the same time when she shrunk it would leave her in a starved state if she wasn't careful.

Quill was spared this annoyance; she was left fourteen feet and no signs of future growth regardless of magicka. Again, she suffered no issues with her great height and being that large made it easy for her to maintain and improve her physique, just in a lesser potency.

Katia moved back just a tiny bit more and felt for another memory to observe and delved her senses inside the moment. There it was; the night before all that shit happened. Late enough that Quill at that time had grown familiar and, by her own words, fond of Katia. It would be their best chance to have a second start to their relationship.

Katia took a deep breath and plunged herself within.

* * *

Katia snapped awake. Or perhaps asleep? It didn't matter; she was there, or here, or perhaps in a sense when. All three, she supposed.

The room was familiar. A simple living space; a hearth, a central table, a desk and shelves dotted around filled with writing supplies in lieu of food and water. This was Quill-Weave's house back in Anvil. The waning sun peaked through the shutters and cast long shadows throughout the room, only to be thwarted by the burning hearth and a few candles nearby. She looked down at herself and gasped in wonder; she was skinny! And short (or average in height, Katia supposed). She was dressed in a familiar green robe with brown trim and shoulders. It was like nothing had changed, that the past year had never happened.

Just as familiar as the room, but utterly dreaded, sat a book on the candlelit desk in front of her. The spellbook Katia bought that fateful day. The one with the curse of daedric origin for her to translate and cast on herself and Quill. The deep seated imprint of the moment infused her mind with a desire to read the book, to translate it and relive it all over again, but she resisted and centred herself.

She then refocused and remembered Quill's own dream from before they became lovers, how Katia's lover tried to rectify her past but it wouldn't allow itself to change. It was inevitable. Reliving the past always ended the same way; by the end of the dream, Katia would have to become a giantess, and as reality and dream collided, this would end. You can't change the past in a dream, just meander about as a leaf on a river that can be plucked and thrown back upstream. Sometimes you brush against one bank, sometimes you touch a stone in the middle, but you always reach the same end.

Inevitable endings being what they were, it could at least be delayed and explored. New details and experiences woven within to enrich and enjoy. This was why she was here.

Katia heard a distant thud of a wooden mug struck a table; Quill-Weave had been drinking that night and writing despite being freshly reminded of her break-up, as Katia keenly remembered the hung-over woman passing Katia by after she had finished the research by dawn's light before she had begun to grow.

Katia turned away from the book and walked up the stairs.

A low growl sounded from Quill's bedroom as Katia entered. The argonian, as small and slight as ever, was busy tearing out a few pages from a book, with scrawled words scratched out before being balled up and tossed aside into a pile of many others. A near empty bottle of wine stood with two drained siblings, which was snatched up and upturned over a worn, battered mug.

"Quill?" Katia quietly called.

The argonian flinched and turned around as she lifted her drink, guzzled it down and glowered at the empty receptacle. Quill-Weave had an iron liver and an impressive tolerance for booze, like most of her kind, so her furious lucidity had never caught Katia by surprise before although the khajiit did feel the urge to flee right now. The only thing that stopped her was when Quill winced and looked to the side, ashamed.

Katia continued, "can we talk?"

"Sure, whatever. It's not like getting any fucking words down that are worth two frozen shits in a campfire. I can't even read what I've written! I just don't get it."

"I-is this a bad time? I can leave," Katia clutched her arm against her side; all the confidence that came with her size, strength and hard earned ability was all but gone. Where her old meekness and mannerisms ended or her own belief in the state of this dream started was beyond her ability to understand or even use; she was the old Katia for now.

"Yes... wait, no." Quill corrected, took a sharp breath through her nose and seemed to swallow the anger. "I guess I could use the company to clear my head, but I thought you were studying?"

"I was, but you sound like you need some help or something," Katia tried to relax, but only managed to change her stance from arm clutching to rubbing her hands together as her tail flitted against the wooden floor. "I know I'm a bit of a screw-up and I'm not good for much, but hey, misery loves company, right? Besides, maybe my depths of fuck-ups might allow me some insight into your issues!"

Quill managed a tiny chuckle and used her tail to drag a footstool out from beneath the desk, then patted the seat with her hand. The argonian then reached beneath her desk, produced a fresh bottle of wine and used a claw to pull the cork before she poured the mug up to the brim. "I'd offer you a drink, but I don't think Wilbur wants to deal with you naked again."

Katia managed a soft laugh in return and sat down next to Quill. She ran her claws through her head fur and scratched one of her pointed ears. "Yeah, not my finest moment. Maybe you could change parkour lessons for alcohol tolerance class, eh?"

"Knowing you like I do, and unless you sprout scales and shack up with a tree, that ain't happening," Quill remarked. She knocked back the overfull mug in one effort before she belched through her gills in a weird hiss. She asked, still without a slur, "how's the magic business?"

"Great! Slowly but surely learning. Getting used to having my hands raised all the time. I think they're getting used to throwing spells at me to keep me charged up so I can practice. With that book I just bought, I feel like..." Katia trailed off for a moment and nibbled her lip, then forced a smile and continued, "I feel like things will really turn a corner if I can get that book downstairs memorised. There's big changes on the horizon." Katia coughed from a waft of wine from Quill's breath and her own pun. "But I wanted to say something first."

"I'm all ear-holes and fins, Katia." Quill pushed the papers, books and inkwells away, placed her muzzle in her palm and leaned against the desk.

Katia's fingertips and claws twirled and danced together. "I wanted to just say how grateful I am. You've believed in me where nobody else would put up with me and you're even letting me stay here when I could be sleeping in the mage guild bunks."

"It's not that big a deal." Quill smiled, simple and warm. "It's actually nice having some company that doesn't end up dying like my pets, so there's that. Also I swear having you here keeps the neighbours skeevers away."

Both smirked and Katia joked, "maybe I could train as a mouser. Certainly more worthwhile skill than signwriting and whatever. But anyway, I... I..." she stumbled and stammered and felt a warm flush run through her face. If Quill saw it, she didn't show as they both turned silent for a time.

"Just stick with it, Kat," Quill said and chuckled. She looked at the freshly opened bottle but, much to Katia's joy, replaced the cork. "You're budding by the day. It's pretty inspiring, actually, considering how much of a screw up you were when you first- uh!" She choked on the words and waved her hands in front of herself. "I didn't mean that in an insulting way! Just the booze talking, Kat, honest. Sorry."

Katia shrugged and scratched the back of her neck as her blush persisted. "Nah, you're totally right. I had, and was, nothing. I tried to cast it off when I got here in Cyrodiil and it was like I'd never left Hammerfell. Then you believed in me, and ever since then, I've stumbled and staggered my way into improving, and now I'm an apprentice mage! Thank you so much!" Katia's sharp teeth shone in the biggest smile she could muster and her eyes glistened in the candlelight even as her tail flicked back and forth rapidly.

They just stared at each other as Katia calmed down, but both of them just enjoyed looking at each other. Before Quill could think of a response, the khajiit leaned forward and reached with gentle open hands around the argonian's red scaled muzzle.

"You mean a lot to... u-um," Katia managed, barely a whisper.

Quill-Weave froze and her eyes roamed, unfocused and in thought and Katia knew had shown gratitude before on numerous occasions but never quite so direct or emotive. They had shared a bed together and, along with almost all of Anvil, Quill had seen the skinny khajiit naked when they first 'met'. A parallel emerged, as then and now. One of curiosity in Quill's red eyes, not revulsion, not outright denial or anything that would send Katia fleeing from the room. The little calloused pads on the inside of Katia's palms caressed Quill's scales as their eyes locked on each others in full, each a window into a world to explore and full of wonder.

A flicker of a tongue danced between Katia's lips to wet them and she tried to find the words, but her confidence was still weak. Her hands shook and her arms felt heavy, as if the only way to hold herself up was to pull back and plant her ass fully back on the stool, but she forced herself to lean closer and rest her hands on Quill's shoulders.

She studied the way Quill's nostrils quivered as she picked up on Katia's breath or the way her red eyes flicked about in confusion, but every so often they seemed so sure in fleeting moments. The uncertainty was still there like a barricade to protect herself, but fracturing as Katia could smell the alcohol on each exhale of the argonian's accelerating breaths.

But that weight was relentless and oppressive, even with her friend and the way she seemed intrigued. Katia just couldn't do it: she was too small, too weak, too unsure, too much of a waste of space. She really was just this pathetic little khajiit with stupid dreams and little else to show for it and unworthy of this joy.

"I'm sorry, Quill, I didn-"


For a split second, Quill's eyes flashed purple (her special sense for those with the same 'preference', Katia recalled), and narrowed them before she pounced. The argonian's hands wrapped around the back of Katia's head and pulled them together and their lips met.

Katia couldn't hold back the whimper. It was everything she could have ever hoped for as even the passions they had shared in the real world never had this innocence or simplicity.

It was a fleeting moment as a long and pointed tongue extended and wrestled with a barbed and rounder one. The lingering taste of cheap wine coated Katia's mouth and the floodgates broke as she hooked her fingers around Quill's headfins. Innocence gave to sultry need and neither woman was complaining. They stood. Their chairs scattered apart. A harsh squeal of wood on wood. They pressed their bodies together. Little gasps and sharp breaths. Soft fur and hard scales. Hearts raced and shared a rhythm.

Katia's confidence was bolstered and she felt a meagre shred of her true power return, yet before she could use it Quill pulled the weaker woman back over to her bed, not once holding back with her ongoing and ferocious kiss. Katia couldn't even catch her bearings as Quill pulled the green robe off of her and exposed the khajiit's slim body and shoved Katia onto the bed, then Quill threw her own simple dress off and exposed the lithe and toned form beneath her red and green scales. Katia's heart already raced but the sight made her gasp and struggle for breath; she needed her. The wait was brief as Quill growled and leapt on top.

Katia was already aroused, but she felt a warm trickle just above her own glistening slit, and a quick glance, against the candlelit backdrop, revealed that Quill was just as eager as her muscular tail writhed. Despite everything, and a testament to Quill's decency, she froze for a moment and focused.

"I can barely take it any more. This feeling, this hunger... just..." Quill drooled and sucked in a few breaths to calm herself, but it was obvious she struggled to hold herself back. "Just... shake your head if you don't wa-"

Katia used her spark of confidence and attacked back. She grabbed Quill's shoulders, lifted herself up and kissed her. Her slim legs wrapped around the argonian's back and their tails coiled in their own embrace as she lifted herself off the bed. To spend so long as the most powerful woman around yet now at the mercy of her beloved felt decadently unique even if her spirit wanted to fight back.

Quill lowered herself with gentle intent even as her tongue flicked and danced against Katia's own, but as soon as they touched the mattress, Quill-Weave's hands ran down Katia's slim form, exploratory and curious. She rubbed the khajiit's belly like a pet but in another moment her hands palmed and squeezed her small breasts; anywhere the paler yellow fur was against the deeper tone elsewhere. Quill pushed herself up with one hand then stroked down Katia's body with the other, a constant tease as claws parted the hairs and then reached a special spot. One without fur.

"Oh fuuuuck!!" Katia squealed as Quill's fingertips brushed against her clit, then the blunt edges of her claws in a firm pinch. It was over in a flash as the khajiit writhed with a dopey smile on her face and her eyes crossed; her own need was boiling but the more experienced woman chuckled and eased off as her finer scaled fingers now made little patterns on Katia's swollen folds. A life of athletics and the strength needed to use a bow allowed Quill to easily overpower the bookish and oft bedded apprentice mage, but Katia twisted and pushed against the dominant argonian all the same as her spirit soared.

They wrestled, arms locking, grunts and heavy breaths with sharp-toothed smiles. Their eyes met and stared, then with a burst of feline agility, Katia slinked from beneath Quill and twisted her whole body to overturn the stronger woman. It was obvious that Quill let her play for now as her wry grin broadened and Katia plunged her head between her thick, well toned thighs. The rough tongue lapped about the fleshy folds, the deep and intoxicating smell and taste of Quill's honey (or sap, Katia inwardly snickered). It made the khajiit moan, but Quill's throaty cry filled the room.

Those powerful legs locked together around Katia's back and kept her in place, but the khajiit had no desire to flee. She wanted to drive the stoicism away and wake the city. They would be telling stories about the wails for generations as Katia drew from her experience of the waking world and let her coarse tongue do the heavy work. Slow, deliberate lines along the labial walls as Quill resisted the urge to scream.

Katia knew how her partner felt from their real world pairings and how Katia was concerned the rough hairs of her tongue would hurt. It tread a narrow line between pain and pleasure, but on Quill's most sensitive spots it was electric with the right pressure. Every rougher rake upward was soothed with a lapping downward, and Katia kept that experienced pressure on as she slowly moved up and assaulted Quill's own button. She placed the tip of her tongue on it and paused as Quill sucked the air through her teeth and clenched her legs. They squeezed Katia so hard she swore her shoulders were about to be shoved into her torso.

The argonian gasped, more surprised than pleased. then flinched and stuttered, "K-Kat?"

"Mm-hmm?" Katia managed, muffled and still plunged deep.

"You've done this to me before, haven't you? Oh... I remember it all! I-is that bad?"

Katia couldn't respond, but her eyes shot wide as her partner's body rippled. Quill's past self, the old memory, began to get overridden by the current; a knight-errant of the legion. An experienced archer and a budding journeyman spellcaster. A giantess.

More muscle flowed under Quill's scales, the hard work and training she had undergone as part of the legion. The already solid thighs around Katia swelled and constricted her further, the little ridges of her belly deepened into a hard set of abdominals and even her hist-sac's pushed further away as her pectorals developed and thickened.

Then Quill began to grow smoothly, as if extending a limb, only it was her whole body in one steady surge as magic from the dream converted into physical form. The motion forced Katia's tongue to drag against the argonian's sensitive clit and with a window-rattling bellow, Quill-Weave orgasmed and writhed and a gush of femcum sprayed Katia's face.

Quill grew several feet taller in seconds and Katia managed to squeeze her way up and onto the hard tone of Quill's abdomen. Quill winced as her head struck the wall and the bed groaned as hundreds of pounds of mass pressed down on it. Katia yelped as the argonian's hands pulled her tight against the growing form and her legs struck the opposite wall.

Once more Quill was her stronger, larger and heavier body but before a word could be shared, and with a comedic flourish, the bed collapsed. All fourteen feet of hard forged argonian giantess writhed and the wooden floor cracked and splintered as she rode out her climax, then clenched for a good five seconds before, at last, Quill-Weave relaxed.

"Oh, fuck!" Quill gasped and tried to recover. "I-I need a minute, but wow!"

"Shit, I hope that still counted." Katia sighed and rested her head on Quill's larger bosom and enjoyed the strange sensation of being the smaller partner for once. It made her arousal smoulder like still warm embers rather than a surging heat, but she had to be sure before she tried to spark them to life again. "I mean, you wanted us to make love like we were normal."

Quill tried to get comfortable in the cramped room and loosed an almost cat-like purr. Her hand covered Katia's shoulders and gave her a cautious squeeze. "It counts, Kat. It felt so nice, being equal for once." Quill lifted Kat to her muzzle and they kissed. The huge tongue practically bathed Katia's face and she did her best to make Quill feel her returned affections. "Besides, we can try again, right? This isn't taxing or anything, is it?"

Katia perked up and said, "We totally can! Although it'll have to be another night. Most of all, I'm glad you liked it. It's made a change for me too, but I guess the curse was just a bit too strong to ignore." Katia patted Quill's snout and felt a puff of air from her nostrils as the argonian withheld a chuckle.

"Yeah. I guess you're in control here, but I'm a bit confused... it's like I'm not preg-"

Katia swatted Quill's nose, which earned her a confused squint.

"Stop. You've returned to your standard form; the one you're most familiar with in reality. Unless you want that development to appear too, focus on me, not the real world. Now, I figure you owe me a little attention."

Quill grinned and licked her muzzle. "I aim to please, Kat. What did you have in mind?"

"Since we're now on opposite ends of the spectrum, here," Katia's tongue wiggled hungrily even as her tail wiggled and swatted against Quill's legs like an excited dog. "How about you pick up what you were doing before I slipped free?"

Quill smirked and nodded. "Oh, absolutely. I just need to-" Quill was cut short as she bashed her head against the wall again. "Damn it, I don't miss how small this place was. Just a sec." Quill carefully held Katia with one hand and shuffled about to make more room. The floor continued to crack and snap and her tail flicked against her desk and smashed the bottles, then settled. "Considering I might go too far because I'm not usually the one in control, and I don't know if I might hurt you like this, maybe you should have a safeword?"

Katia thought for a second or two before she giggled and said, "nah. I'll take whatever you've got!"

Quill's eye-ridge flickered for a moment before she finished her adjustment, then seemed in deep thought before she gained a wicked glint in her eye. "Okay, then, don't say I didn't warn you."

The argonian lifted her tiny partner once more and flipped her onto her back. Katia's feet were at Quill's crotch and her head nestled against the giantess' chin. Katia gulped as Quill put her fingers into her mouth one by one and bit at the claws and spat out the sharp tips, then brought them towards the khajiit's soaked, eager and parted vagina. Quill's middle finger was a full eight inches long and joined by her index finger.

Katia thought she was braced and ready. She thought that she was prepared for anything her giantess lover could do, but Quill took only a moment to guide both fingers straight into and as deep as she could into Katia's wet cunt.

"Hoohhhfuuuck!" Katia screamed, beyond was words as Quill-Weave retracted the fingers and plunged them back in. With every thrust, Quill splayed her fingers, stretching the 'well travelled' khajiit to her limit as each digit struck deep inside. Her other hand meandered around Katia's body, squeezed around her legs and hips before they teased and pressed against her tits, but almost nothing else registered in the khajiit's mind beyond that savage relentless penetration. Just madness. Tremendous, soul nourishing pleasurable madness.

Then another finger plunged into Katia's ass. It was probably too big in reallity, but Katia's ability to keep reality together was fading and the passage enlarged in response.

Katia squealed and shivered violently enough for Quill to pause out of concern, but the corners of the khajiit's mouth twisted into a huge drooling smile and that was all the permission needed. There was pain and discomfort, but Katia's senses were overwhelmed on the crazy high of stimulation. It was cacophonous noise in her soul that blocked out all sound.

Her eyes lost all focus as they crossed and the broken, absurd pleasure made her night eye flicker on and off. Her fur stood on end. Her tail puffed up to twice its volume. Her muscles just responded by electrical impulse. Then the blunt of the claw of Quill's thumb started to make steady taps against Katia's button as a final jolt and the khajiit froze rigid.

It didn't take her long to scream a primitive yowl as she sprayed Quill's hand with her juices. Katia's ears picked up a squeal, but it wasn't her voice, just a high pitched, superlative cry beyond her control. Her body convulsed so hard she hurt her head as it smacked against Quill's chin, but it didn't stop. She couldn't even come down from her orgasmic bliss as her tormentor just kept on going. She vaguely remembered all the times she was deprived of this pleasure. People using her drunken weakness and never even wanting to look at her again, let alone bring her to climax. Quill-Weave, though?

Katia cried out with another orgasm, she drooled as if rabid and her eyes rolled back into her skull. The line between lust and love was cratered by a hole in the shape of a huge, sexy argonian that Katia loved and lusted for, and she knew loved and lusted back.

Time meant nothing. She just clutched onto a tiny raft of her sanity in a storm of sexual dominance and fury, overwhelming pleasure and satisfaction and tried her best to ride it out, but all of Katia's forced gentleness, the way she had to act because of her size and power in the waking world, limited how in control of her libido she really was. No coiled spring to be released, not even a killer trap, ready to be tripped. She was Lorkran's heart primed to explode, but her repression cried out and tried to hold it back.

Katia, deep down, was never that strong against her impulses despite how much she had improved in the past year, so when she realised this was a dream, she inwardly laughed at the absurdity of repressing herself. She had fucked a daedric god to death. It was time to unleash Katia as she truly could be, thankfully restricted to a dream.

Katia's body swelled as her muscles flexed. Her skinny form must have doubled in mass in a split second as, like Quill, she regained the strength earned from a year of hard labour and further enhanced by her body's unnatural response to being bigger. Strains that would kill a mortal being that could get as big as Katia could be were ignored by the magic now woven into her body and these strains were akin to constant, non-stop exercise. And here, without normal rules to slow her down, wreathed in a world formed of nothing but magic and shaped into the familiar setting by her own imagination, she opened her eyes, which burned as if a pair of suns, and snarled as one final orgasm rocked her and her cunt exploded so hard she felt back-spray from where her fluids splattered off the walls.

Katia phased through Quill and reappeared beneath her as a final mercy in the hopes of not crushing her lover before she lost all control, however futile.

The magic of the world in Katia's mind reverted to its basic form and cascaded into her body, and she grew as if her form was a literal explosion until Quill's house was destroyed.

Then Anvil.

The Gold coast.


Only when Tamriel itself was buried beneath a magnitude of khajiit flesh so immense that it damaged the world itself, the fragile shell of ground yielding as if the shell of an egg, did Katia finally slow in her growth. As she came down from her final climax, she flopped against the curvature of the world, the warmth of the magmatic flow of the destroyed continent beneath her tingled against the coolness of the air and scattered water as her legs trailed off far into the distance of the Padomaic sea to the east and her arms lazily lowered into the Eltheric to the west. Her nipples even pierced the clouds as her body became more than anything else that existed. At least in this dream.

And Katia passed out, exhausted.

* * *

And Katia woke up, rejuvenated. She was back in her home.

Katia was so satisfied, so completely sated, that the idea of sex felt almost alien. Her legs felt wind and warmth, and she peered down her body; far bigger than she had been before the dream. At some point she had removed her growth-restricting amulet, kicked through the barn walls and against the city walls and was still growing. In the rapid realisation, Katia quickly cast her 'purge spell', a cascade of useless magic with rapid, pointless effects that would empty her magicka reserves for a time. As her growth halted she fumbled around for a scarf she knew she kept for just such an occasion, imbued with the same growth blocking enchantment as her amulet just better suited to the larger sizes.

"Quilly?" Katia said as she wrapped the plain material around her neck.

"Yes, Kat?" Quill said, wide eyed and flat on the floor some distance from the bed. She sounded remarkably calm considering she likely got either sling-shotted into the stars or exploded from the forces of Katia's unrestrained dream growth. Either, or maybe both.

Katia glanced down at Quill as she stood and met her gaze. The argonian's inner thighs were soaked with saliva as well as her own juices and when Katia looked through the hole she'd made in the barn, she saw the walls of Cheydinhal were covered in her own female ejaculate and still sloughing down into a vast puddle. She'd kicked the wall hard enough to crack it as well. Katia even heard the gates open, no doubt a guard investigating what was probably a noise loud enough to be heard all across Anvil.

"Maybe I've lost my mind," Katia whispered, then shook her head and laughed. It was all absurd, but she had to say it while the euphoria was still strong. "Maybe it might be a better idea to ask after we're actually lucid but... oh, to Oblivion with it." Katia sat up and stared at Quill with wet eyes.

"Will you marry me?"

There was a deafening silence, filled only with the distant clomp of metal boots on the approach. After a few seconds a tear trickled down Quill-Weave's cheek with a rare, unrestrained smile as she rubbed her swollen belly. "Yes. Of course I will!" Quill said and scrambled up onto Katia's vast form by her scarf.

As the guards entered the barn, they found the pair in a deep kiss, however awkward from the size discrepancy. They decided to wait until the couple were done before informing them they would have to repair the wall.

They had to wait for a fair while.

* * *