New Days: Chapter II
I give him a bashful look and say quietly, "i got lazy and was cleaning my room with a levitation spell..."
Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Prologue - 00 - Live to Break Me
She levitated her helmet and grimaced as the frigid metal stung her flesh, encasing her entire head in a cast of diamond encrusted gold, the only outlets for her horn, eyes and muzzle.
Rebirth ch6
I thought to myself as i walked over to the bed and psychically levitated myself up, then onto the bed. i landed at the foot of the bed and looked over the sleeping suicune.
Rays of Hope
"i need to eat before i pass out" twilight thought to herself and with the bright purple aura she levitated a blanket and lunch from her saddle bag and placed it on a empty space next to her.
Mocha's Cutiemark - Story
Sparks flew as he tried to drag the coffee kettle from the countertop with his eyes; that usually started the levitation, as his mum always said.
Chronicles of Cody: The Excitement
A saliva drenched cody appeared, levitated by the princess. ivory and mocha sprinted forward, a few trees shaking as they did. "cody!" "sweetheart!"
Asriel Dree-MMMRRRPH!
He levitated into a seating position, as though sitting on an invisible chair, and placed both feet right on your face.
To Boldly Hoof It Ch 1. Prologue
One of the guards levitated out a scroll and began to read it. "destruction of private property, as well as, and i quote, being a self-centered, unprincely, royal pain," said the guard.
Chapter Eighteen -- Family Matters
I was going to levitate her, but with my telekinesis so depleted... " and he trailed off, leaving the rest unsaid. mieko and montaro were listening avidly, their tail tips flicking restlessly. "we could levitate her!"
Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 15
We can each do different kinds of magic based on our talents, but we can all levitate objects." "you can't possibly levitate anything as large as these machines," observed cinnamon.
Train of Events
Bracing himself for that strange pulling sensation as he hopped forwards and levitated towards the other door. however, it wasn't quite as bad this time.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Mossdeep City and Shoal Cave
His skills showed me that he was most capable of defeating levitating pokemon.