Robert cursed to himself as he entered his tiny, two bedroom apartment. The sight that greeted him wasn't pleasant. A pile of dishes remained unwashed in the sink, the dreary white walls dulled from years of dust and grime. He threw his coat on the...
Horror, Paranormal, Short Story, literature
Their ability to understand and use many languages brought big fortune to the clan, especially thanks to translation of all major literature from the past four hundred and fifty years, even with humans.
Anthro, Lore, Love, Romance, literature
_ **Side notes for readers:** _
**--- If you want to know a little more, read the commentary below the story first.**
**--- The parts written in** _italic_ **,**** although stated as direct speech, are actually thoughts of the main protagonist and...
Anthro, Lore, Love, Romance, literature
White Rabbit/How, A Poem
* * *
They say that you were born,
in some lab that you despise;
tinctures of your scorn,
dark red like old bowties.
"How did you sleep?"
"How do you feel?"
How very, very deep,
will this paint peel?
Walls run away...
HOW, Poetry, White Rabbit, literature
Aokigahara in the Winter
* * *
Can I maybe talk you through,
a brand new point of view -
where you aren't as mean,
as you have always been?
You say you have your reasons
for all the ways that you are;
you change like the seasons,
Aokigahara, Aokigahara in the Winter, Poetry, literature
He was simple. I think that's what stood out most to me. He wasn't at all like everyone else aboard that gaudy ship; there was something peculiar, genuine about him. It made me smile a little, for no real reason other than it was charming. _He_ was...
Character Development, Hookup, Romance, Sex, literature
As Mary walked through the woods, she had an unsettling feeling of being watched. The moonlight streamed in through the treetops as she climbed over another fallen tree trunk. There was a faint cracking noise off to the side as she landed, and...
Erotic, M/F, Rape, Werewolf, literature
_I_s this what hell feels like?
Bound like chains by the very earth itself.
To burn in a way as if in every desert at once.
But with no sun,
That with no amount of water,
Could quench the thirst,
With no escape,
With no sense of hope,
An always...
Dark, Hell, Poem, literature, mind, society
Blue Valley Underground - Part 12 - Welcome
Isaac fell asleep on the train, catching a few hours of rest before they arrived in Rivermere. He was drowsy and a bit disoriented as he disembarked. Once he saw the familiar stony hills and towering...
Female, Human, Male, Series, literature, story
Praenomen & Painted Door
* * *
Hell heeds for the child,
who, by manners, seemed most mild,
when compared to by the lot,
or else be singled out and shot.
What she does is what she can,
so that she can form a plan;
it needs such a state of...
Painted Door, Poetry, Praenomen, Set, literature
Practice in Four Parts
* * *
Can I ever truly be
the simplest kind of free?
I am envious of my father,
who must see me as a bother.
I always really loved to draw,
to bring all my thoughts of awe,
and give them all a proper sense,
as my own...
Poetry, Practice in Four Parts, literature, practice
Ero poco più di un cucciolo di lupo quando il mio mondo iniziò il suo lento declino.
Ricordo tutto, anche se non vorrei, ricordo il primo contatto, ricordo come era il mio mondo prima di allora...
Tutto iniziò un giorno, quando dall'osservatorio...
Adventure, Italian Language, Romance, Sci-Fi, Wolf