[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [DE-015]
-kayla in armor 2020 a.d. - kayla ref youtube 2020 a.d. ~ circle of lupain 2020 a.d.
2020 A.D. Part 1 [unfinished]
But then he stopped the killing, he lowered his weapon, he saw a lupain, he saw this lupain very often in his dreams. akira did not know what to do, therefore he let this one lupain alive and searched for the weapons.
2020 A.D. Part 2 [unfinished]
But then he stopped the killing, he lowered his weapon, he saw a lupain, he saw this lupain very often in his dreams. akira did not know what to do, therefore he let this one lupain alive and searched for the weapons.
2020 A.D. Teil 1 *Unfertig*
Doch dann stoppte er das toeten, er senkte seine waffe, er erkannte einen lupain, er sah diesen lupain sehr oft in seinen traeumen. akira wusste nicht was er tun sollte, so lie? er diesen einen lupain am leben und suchte die waffen.
[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-008]
Then we can go to the lupains." "without me, if the lupains arrest me, they will kill me." "this would happen to us too," said shakiria. "we have captured countless lupains. that was our mission," kai said.
[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [DE-008]
"die lupains werden es verstehen, das warst nicht du, das waren die menschen. sie haben dich benutzt, sie haben uns benutzt." "und wenn nicht? ich kann mit einer lupain waffe gegen vielleicht zehn lupains kämpfen.
[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [DE-014]
Auf dem boden lagen zwei lupains, diese waren gefesselt. "was ist hier geschehen?", fragte blaidd in der lupain sprache.
[WIP] 2047A.D. Heavens Fall [DE-017]
Daraufhin biss shane, so feste er konnte, dem lupain in die hand, der ihn festhielt. vor schreck und vor schmerz ließ dieser lupain shane für einen kurzen moment los. während der lupain in der lupain sprache fluchte, rannte shane los.
[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [DE-001]
Sind die lupains tot?" "lupains? was sind lupains? ich dachte das wären invasoren?" "tut mir leid ich habe mich versprochen, sind die invasoren des transporters tot?" "ja, sie sind tot." sagte akira.
2020 A.D. Part 3 [unfinished]
He kneed and said: "if lupains have an god, i will pray for the dead lupains." "i don't know if lupains have an god, or if something like this exists. but humans pray for their dead," he said.
[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-007]
From the two cells two lupains came forth. subject 4009xy kai was a not muscular male lupain. he had green blue eyes and dark brown fur. from another cell sneaked out another lupain. it was 4013xx shakiria, she was a female lupain.
[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-013]
"they don't understand you akira, try it once again in the lupain language, oh you no longer speak it. don't be sad akira, even if you could do it, this lupains would die for me. they are loyal to me." "you will not get away!