A Night at Afterlife; Azen and Desius

The turian's mandibles twitched once more, and he looked azen up and down again, giving the salarian's backside another squeeze, before shivering with lust.

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One of them lunges towards my changed mouth, stopping abruptly inches away, my mandibles grasping out towards it even as i will them to stay folded.

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Project Preview: Icarus II

He clenched his mandibles weakly. no, he thought. had it been just himself the savages would have killed him. they had all stopped when veylee was visible.


Halcyon Oblivion

Her insides did as they wanted, clasping and relaxing in intervals while the brighter male pounded against the ends of her mandibles.

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The Hive

Their eight legs and ant like mandibles tucked tightly against their bodies and held out straight as they flew towards them.

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Formicidae Chapter 01

Their mandibles clicked in agitation. "i only just came of age after all," they added.

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Repurposing on Palaven | Entree Sized Commission

But his touch soon backed off as val turned his gaze towards his executioner, a smirk crawling across his mandibles as he pondered the offer. "what i want?"

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Look Before you Leap

Scree reached up to tug the cheetah's feet toward his jaws, stuffing them past his mandibles greedily.

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Spider Speaker

Its mandibles parted and a strange screech emanated from its mouth before it surged forward.

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Thri-Kreen Erotica

Her mandibles were flexing and her antennae were twitching in a way i had come to associate with stress and confusion. "i've... i've been journeying with you mammals for several months now.

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Dragonfly's Quest

mandibles. "yes, master.", i said, doing as he told me. once my mandibles were open, he put a foot on my face and entered three toes inside. i gently sucked on them, which was making the lower part of me grow.

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Always Be There Chapter 5

Watching his mandibles flutter for a moment as he considered her words, she waited until he asked what she knew he was going to ask. "right now, commander?"

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