Caution when Wagering

Rolling hir eyes at megan then asked her for directions on how to get to this place. pulling out her smart phone, megan used her google map and put it on speaker.

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The Secret of Hoyt's Farm : Chapter 2

Sorry megan, dear. force of habit." megan was almost as surprised by the apology as she was by getting flashed, but she shook her head, "no, it's fine." "lets move on to the next one, megan."

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The Long Weekend - Revised Part 1 Saturday Morning

"so megan what do you think?" tilly asked. "that was amazing" megan said, her voice still trembling from the experience.

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Caution when Wagering

Leaving megan to place a twenty dollar bill down on the bar then took a drink. it wasn't long before samantha became rather stiff in hir stool making megan look.

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The Wild Cage

She reached over and pulled megan's shirt up over her bra. megan gleefully raised her arms over her head and cecilia slipped her shirt off. next she undid the snap and zipper on megan's jeans and pushed them down.

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The Long Weekend - Part 1 Saturday Morning

megan had arranged a sleep over all weekend with tilly and tia, they were identical twin sisters both the same age as megan but both taller and more developed.

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Bat and Cat 0

Before she walks out the door, what do you say to megan for giving you to such a wonderful mistress?? ?thank you, megan,? justin said. megan couldn?t tell if he was being sincere or not. ?happy valentine?s day, megan,?

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You'd Better Not Cry! (Darker Version)

megan whimpered, though it was far too late to reason with him. now, the wolf's eyes turned to her, glowing red in the moonlight. only now did megan realize how much danger she was in.

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The Secret of Hoyt's Farm : Chapter 5

megan's jaw dropped. it was something she didn't want to even consider, "that's horrifying." "that's whose watching, megan."


You'd Better Watch Out!

megan trembled - what if he _killed_rudolph!? when he was done with the lead stag, would he finish the job with the 9 battered animals? megan had to stop him!

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Red bares it all

megan trill-giggled, which made red's fur stand on end for a second. "oh, no way! i am so glad to be a girl right now." "just wait 'til it's your turn, megan." "rrrf. not looking forward to it." red grinned, "i am..." megan's face flushed with heat.

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