nbowa reached down to swat the chynx hard across the ass, making him whimper for more of the same, but a worse punishment was to _deny_him exactly that, and nbowa knew it.
Alcohol, Blowjob, Bunny, Cheetah, Chynx, Cock, Commission, Cum, Cum Bath, Dick, Ejaculation, Fellatio, Frottage, Frotting, Gay, Huscoon, Lion, Lynx, M/M/M/M, Male, Micro, Multiple Species, Multiple orgasms, Orgy, Party, Rabbit, Room party, Sex, Shrinking, Size Difference, bunnolf
nbowa accepted the fact as he gave resin an encouraging pat on the shoulder and stepped around to rivard's face.
"the longer you hesitate, the longer the line is gonna get," nbowa warned him.
Anal, Bondage, Cage, Chastity, Creampie, Cum, Cum Bathing, Cum Swallowing, Domination/Submission, Double Penetration, Extreme, Gay, M/M/M, Male m/m, Spanking, Threesome, Watersports, erotica, piss drinking, spitroast
His treatment didn't get any better, as nbowa pulled his own length free and slapped it down upon exile's muzzle.
Anal, Anal creampie, Bondage, Cum, Cumshot, Dildo, Dom/sub, Domination/Submission, Double Penetration, Eating ass, Gay, Hardcore, Interspecies, Penetration, Rimjob, Rimming, Sex, Sex toy, Spanking, Threesome, cum inside, spreader
What is nbowa, a flower?"
Adventure, Battle, Cheetah, Chusky, Coyofolf, Coyote, Coyotes, Dog, Epic, Fantasy, Female, Fennec, Fox, Furope, Humor, Huscoon, Knights, Lion, Male, Multiple Species, Nbowa, Parody, Royalty, Sarcastic, War, Wolf, cameo, mockery, sarcasm
We're gonna go kill high king nbowa! you comin' or not?"
"...son of a bitch."
Adventure, Atimist, BCB, Battle, Bluemoon, Coyofolf, Coyote, Epic, Excalifur, Fantasy, Female, Fox, Furope, Humor, Huscoon, Joshiah, Langren, Lion, Lykanos, Male, Masamurr, Nbowa, Story, Story Series, War, Weapon, Wolf, Zebra, chutora, exile, sarcasm, swords
nbowa's party is tomorrow and i still have much to get done!" nbowa, a lion of great renown in the fandom, was hosting a mid-sized meet at his iowa home.
Anthro, Atimist, Cheetah, Chu-tora, Coyote, Dizfoley, Dog, Doxial, Feral, Fox, Huscoon, Husky, Hybrid, Jackal, Joshiah, Lion, Lykanos, Nbowa, Potion, Raccoon, Serum, So many wolves, Tamayote, Transformation, Werewolf, Wolf, Wolves, Wulfheart, arcturus, chu, chutora, diz, tama, tf
You get to move on to the sword pulling round, nbowa the great!"
Adventure, Atimist, Bluemoon, Border Collie, Canine, Cheetah, Chynx, Collie, Coyofolf, Doxial, Epic, Fantasy, Female, Fennec, Fox, Gren, Humor, Humorous, Huscoon, Joshiah, Knights, Lion, Lynx, Magic, Male, Nbowa, Parody, Short Story, Story, Wolf, Zebra, cake, chutora, diz, frosting, funny, king, orio, quest, sarcasm, swords
Once again, the ruckus became silent, and high king nbowa awkwardly poked his pawtips together.
"...what did you guys do to her?"
"n-nothing, nothing at all!" high king nbowa claimed. "we just kinda gave her tickets...to fenice...by boat.
Atimist, Bcbreakaway, Bluemoon, Chusky, Coyofolf, Death, Doxial, Epic, Fantasy, Fennec, Fox, Humor, Huscoon, Joshiah, Kixen, Lion, Lykanos, Medieval, Mild Violence, Multiple characters, Nbowa, Onions, Roosles, Story, Wolf, Zebra, arcturus, chutora, festival, sarcasm
Anal, Anthro, Anthro on Feral, Cum, Cumshot, Double-Penetration, Excess cum, Female, Feral, Foursome, Humiliation, Knot, Long Story, M/F, M/M, M/M/M/M, Male, Oral, Orgy, Public, Story, TG, Threesome, Transformation, Transgender, Vaginal, m/f/m/m, public sex, sloppy seconds, tf, tf/tg, triple penetration
nbowa was the next to take notice, his fangs poking through in a coy grin. "no, he's just not learning his lesson about consuming food and drink that might have been tampered with!"
"...nbowa. you **didn't!
Bondage, Cum, Cumshot, Exhibitionism, Explicit, Femdom, Micro, Multiple, Orgasm, Orgasm Denial, Orgy, Pegging, Size Difference, Transformation, Voyeurism, Watersports
High king nbowa yawned and nodded in reply, since huscoon the recently paroled wasn't around for that conversation.
Adventure, Epic, Evil, Fantasy, Furope, Humor, Medieval, Story, Transformation, cake, darkness, sarcasm, tf
High king nbowa made a disgusted face and shook his head.
Acid, Adventure, Atimist, Bluemoon, Doxial, Epic, Evil, Fantasy, Furope, Humiliation, Humor, Huscoon, Joshiah, Knights, Lobster, Long Story, Lykanos, Magic, Nbowa, Potions, Questing, Roosles, Royalty, Story, Story Series, TG, Transformation, Transgender, Wizardry, chutora, quest, sarcasm, silly, tf, tf/tg, wizard