Howler's Discovery

Joshua worked hard to keep his expression calm and his muzzle smooth as he stepped onto the dinghy. His military training helped with the feigned confidence but he knew this trip carried a certain risk of his being discovered. The wolf was in plain...

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Feeding the Queen

Queen Nyra had always been known for her ferocity. As a younger owl queen she had led her army from the front, her consort Kludd at her side, his great wings flashing white at the edge of her considerable range of vision, his helmet glinting darkly in...

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The Prodigal Sergal

The morning held the usual routine for Aroha: at dawn, she woke up in the scrub bushes outside the city. As the sun burned the chill from the sand she approached the gates to snipe back and forth with the sentries until they grew bored enough to let...

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Commission: The Great Enslavement - chapter 6

Jai grunted quietly as he drifted up out of sleep. Even before he opened his eyes he noticed the raw feeling in this sinuses. He swallowed and felt a small injury in the back of his nose, but decided it was probably healed over. He smelled straw and...

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Commission: The Great Enslavement - chapter 5

The tree cover wasn't anywhere near thick enough for Jai and Tong to pick up parts of the machine and stash them anywhere dry. That was clearly and undeniably true but Jai looked around anyway, just in case he could see somewhere dry enough. Just in...

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Commission: The Great Enslavement - chapter 3

The night had fallen so the journey back to the store was dark and lit by the orange glow of urban lights. The streets were beginning to fall quiet but the public train was still working and would do for a few more hours. They took it and sat together,...

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Fanfiction - MLP: Tranquiline's Trial by Fire (chapter 2)

Tranquiline went home quietly and discretely, deliberately avoiding all contact with other ponies. The truth was, she felt embarrassed by her failure and more so by the fact that she'd had such an humiliating injury. She had a little moisteuriser at...

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Fanfiction - MLP: Tranquiline's Trial by Fire (chapter 1)

There are many strange mysteries spread throughout the fabled land of Equestria, but few are as strange and enchanting as one from the ancient past, once forgotten but recently rediscovered by the land's denizens. In ancient times this legend inspired...

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Commission: The Great Enslavement - chapter 1

Time. Meaningless word for me some years ago, but now means much. We all grow, and change, as it passes. There is nothing static in this world. Time begets change, and change happens to all. It is a part of life...a necessity. Without change you are...

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Shye Goes to School (chapter 2)

Shye managed to read one more page of We Are All Just the Same before he looked up again. The room still had a hollow sound and it still smelled of dust, but he was starting to feel that he liked school. Miss. Light was nice, there were crayons and...

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Shye Goes to School (chapter 1)

Shye held on to Mummy's hand as they walked up to the huge place. It didn't look like a house - it was too big for a house. It didn't look like a shop - he couldn't see any fruit or clothes or books out the front. It didn't look like the doctor's - he...

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Commission: The Prodigal Sergal - chapter 1

It was strange how a sergal could leave with the world caving in around her ears, only to come back and see everything looking so peaceful, as if that part of her history hadn't even happened. But to look around her, it was not only that the dust had...

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