New Beginnings Ch 4
Within hours of being exposed to a pokemon with pokerus, we noticed overall enhancement to those we introduced into the infected pokemon. it's brilliant, and the results deemed the virus as harmless overall to pokemon.
Chapter 16
"illusions my son, there is no cure for pokerus. tanya will die though i know not when," the elder sighed reverently. "i am glad you sent lupen with arthur, i would not wish him to see his mother waste away." "a cruel fate for a child to bear.
M Salandit Student x F Charizard Teacher
Meanwhile a female charizard professor with a busty and curvy figure was teaching the whole class about the new strain of virus called the pokerus.
Pokerus FX-001: First Outbreak
#1 of pokerus fx epidemic sort of a companion series to a one-shot i made, somewhat more serious rather than pure smut.
A Best freind
As you studied you did learn what she had, and you were mad i was extremely easy to cure, and the cure was a simple injection of pokerus to fight the virus and after this it made you want to be a doctor for pokémon with rare diseases.
Pokerus FX-002: Lockdown Shenanigans, Part 1
#2 of pokerus fx epidemic second part in this series, slightly more smut, and a shift in plot focus.
Infectious Cruise (Pokemon TF/TGs)
The 3 part pokerus mini-series infectious cruise all in one long story! lisa! i hope you get this in time! you have to get out of kanto right now! i know it's your vacation and all...but there's been a big incident in celadon!
zokerus day 002ambushing the living 101
He counted three, three dark figures approaching from a not so distant grassy hill.' Don't these things ever get tired. I think they followed us from the stadium. Surely that must be a day behind us.' Eric would let them approach but, he was straining...
Legend High Chapter 16
Second, one of the girls musta spread bad words about him to the others because they were avoiding him like pokerus. third, the teachers all seemed to have heaps of work for them to do, even giving packets of homework to be turned in tomorrow.
zokerus day 00
As the dark figures neared beads of sweat started to form on my brow. How could my creations turn so violently. Why wont this elevator open. I can hear it getting closer and im hoping to god that its only a floor above me. The first of the figures...
The Rivalry
#3 of pokerus outbreak this was in old contest entry on da, of which i think i got second? i don't fully remember. either way this is one of my personal favorites! josh and sam were one of the most well known rivals in their town.
Pokerus FX: Lucas
#5 of pokerus fx epidemic a short retelling of the classic "person gets pokérus and turns into pokémon " plot; with dream sex, sex, and gender bending.