Morning Massacre

The morning came with the chirping of birds singing happily to the skies and the light of the sun filtered through the window blinds, numerous slits of light dancing over the sleeping male's face. He tightened his eyes, and flicked those tall animal...

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Lift Up Your Voice

It was the night of the concert. The young orange furred, golden eyed, long red haired kitsune sat backstage, staring into the mirror within her dressing room with a look of nervousness and fright. She looked herself over, her face all skillfully done...

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Lysithea's Diary Entry #1

Date: Friday, August 06, 2010 Location: Sunset Syndicate Macro Living Quarters - My Room Heeeey~ Diary, It's Lysi again and I had SUCH a good day I couldn't help but write about it while I still have time. Y'know, if there is one thing I just...

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Red Moon Gym

_I originally took this gig up just for laughs, for some quick amusement. I didn't imagine being here for the past few months, carrying on this little charade. The unbeatable gym leader, they called me. Trainers who went up against me never returned,...

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[Gift For JetSlasher] Poor City Development Planning

It was a beautiful day in an undisclosed city; the birds were singing, the sun was shining and citizens greeted each other with hearty hellos as they went about their daily commute. Everything was absolutely pleasant; it was the perfect day where...

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[COMMISSION FOR Jayne] Life At Stake

"You're late," remarked a young, male red fox sporting a dark red robe. He shuffled cards among his fingers while his piercing yellow eyes stared out at the similarly robed grey furred and purple haired mouse that entered the room. A small lantern hung...

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[COMMISSION FOR Inforiel] Close Encounters

It was around the year 2153. Human kind had advanced their technology far enough to be capable of adequate space travel. No longer were they restricted to their own galaxy. They could branch out further to other clusters, other galaxies; they could...

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[Quickie For MeisterLi] Under The Twilight

The dark wizard sat upon the conquered throne; a look of sheer amusement on his. His takeover of Hyrule Castle and the surrounding town was a complete success. The hero was nowhere to be found. The soldiers, king and princess were no match for him and...

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[COMMISSION For MeisterLi] Over Nine ThousAyn

One of the toughest things for a college student living on their own is managing a steady monetary income; especially when you're a five foot, three inch super genius female anthropomorphic brown furred, green eyed, glasses wearing mouse by the name of...

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[COMMISSION FOR ducky] Ancient Superpower

Today was a day that would forever be marked in history. Today was the day that the famed researcher of ancient lore, Dr. Isaac Danielson, would unveil his greatest finding before the world. The thirty year old human male was extremely passionate about...

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[COMMISSION FOR KingofKOF] Another Day Another Fool

"Whoa...he's...h-huge!" Miles squeaked upon spotting the gigantic Umbreon lounging by a river in the forest. The young pup adjusted his trainer's cap and maneuvered closer to the black furred giant while staying in the cover behind the thick trees....

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[COMMISSION FOR MeisterLi] AquaMarine Mayhem

"We've hit the jackpot, ladies!" Marine Jacquie Janet, the captain of the Aquamarine Pirates stood proudly over the crew's recent treasure finding. Deep within an island, a cave contained a massive hoard of treasure from an undersea tribe; jewelry,...

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