Tylbo's origin story

rawr! tylbo's legs rooted in fear, he couldn't move. "how did he noticed me? was i too loud? what should i do?" fudaross: - rawr! i said come here! right now! tylbo's legs seemed to come alive and jumped out of the bush, landed between the 4 dragons.

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The Job You Were Born For

"rawr?" aria paused for a moment. then her stomach rumbled. she had been sleeping for awhile. food did sound good. as long as he didn't try to spend her coin on it.

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Chance Encounters - Chapter 01

The beta male rawrs loudly and sprays his cum onto the floor in waves synchronized with the newcomer, clenching and rawring for each and then closes his eyes and drools heavily in pleasure the newcomer grins and moves to rest on his side, dragging the beta

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Hortense's Challenge

The ganza dragon rawrs as he stands up, the stones on his hand and tail crumbling.

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Mail Order Micros

"rawr! rawr! rawr! rawr!" the orange dragon who was clearly calex took flight the moment he had hatched clearly excited to be home and see his wolf again. "raaaawr!" he flew in circles around the wolf happily. "easy... easy..."

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Springtide: Vector's Rebirth

"rawr?" vector gave jade a look. "rawr huh? odd name." jade stuck his tongue out. "rooooooaaaawr!" vector shook his head at jade. he had only known this guy for a few seconds, and already he felt like an annoying brother.

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Tales of Eorzea: Adventurers From Another World

"rawr!" deven shouted as he pounced the dragon and tried to pin it to the ground. "rawr!" the dragon shouted right back at him. "rawr!" "rawr!" "rawr!" "rawr!" "rawr!" "rawr!"

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A Helping Paw, part 2

They both blush deeply "ah, fine..." is all shippo could say and kirara rawred silently with alittle embarassment. "huh?" questioned kagome. sango gulped...

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Thirteen Tales (2019): Seventh Tale

"rawr!" kit flew up to the top of the bookshelf and grabbed the remote in his front paws. then he flew down towards p.j; and right past the rabbit. "hey!" p.j. protested as kit landed on the other couch. "rawr!"

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Hardcore Software: Part 1

He stared at it, ".rawr? isn't it supposed to be .rar?" he looked in documents, and sure enough there was a "how to use" document inside.

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Special Pancakes

Please check out my cafe on fa for some more fun stuff: [https://www.furaffinity.net/user/mer-rawr/](https://www.furaffinity.net/user/mer-rawr/) now enjoy the show!

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