Musical Revelations
"retsuko... do... do you mind if we switch things up..."
How Big Is Your Like?
Following the paw, he could see that it was none other than retsuko. "oh, hey retsuko...retsuko??"
Fenneko's Routine
retsuko blinked, but shrugged, smiled, and nodded warmly.
Perfect Match
How many of you have heard that the bear on my desk is from retsuko?" every hand flew up. "uh huh. and how many of you heard that retsuko and i slept together?" every hand. haida rolled his eyes. "right.
Moved by the Music
Since he'd started to crush on retsuko, he really hadn't thought about anyone else, guy or girl.
Won't Say No
I've had this story in my head ever since season two aggretsuko pissed me and all my partners off with retsuko's ridiculously heterosexual reason to end a relationship with what was the perfect guy.
Haida's Quick Pitstop
Haida may have understood why fenneko kept him offline, since he'd probably bother retsuko multiple times otherwise.
Haida's Chronical, Ep.1
Over these episodes we'll be following haida as, just like the red panda herself (retsuko), his character is fleshed out and deepened!
Hyena Spots and Space Cadets
More specifically, resasuke worked in the sales department and was the one who temporarily swept retsuko off her feet. just thinking back on that sent a pang of jealousy through the hyena.
Haida's Poolside Redemption
In retrospect, the fact that he was feeling so flustered around tadano instead of retsuko was enough to make him squirm.
Haida and Tanado part 1
Haida grunted and sighed as he plopped down on his bed after a long day at work. HE fondled himself idly as he imagined slapping Tanado's face with his dick in a way of hitting him. The hyena moaned as his dick throbbed in his paws, as he moved them up...