The Argonian Chronicles: Rising of a Storm Part 1
A "stormcloak" soldier or something like that. "you're joking, right?" he gave me a stern look. "no, now jump, damn you!"
A Voluptuous Lizard's Adventures in Skyrim: Wolves
Does this mean you're joining the stormcloaks?" alvor asked him. "damn it, he's not joining the stormcloaks.
Skyrim 1 - Unbound
"he is the rightful king" a stormcloak soldier shouted, her voice carrying over the crowds booing. "not your thallmar puppet. long live ulric stormcloak."
Skyrim, Arga's Story: Chapter 3: Dragons!
Jarl ulfric stormcloak. the leader of the stormcloaks that were fighting to drive the empire out of skyrim.
Slutcat and Sworddog #1
One, the gagged and trussed figure of ulfric - the once-powerful jarl of windhelm and leader of the stormcloak rebellion but now a prisoner of the imperials like the rest.
Worlds: B1, C1, Forgotten
They-we-are called the stormcloaks. not too long ago, i deiced i've had enough of our so called ruler and did away with him. i used an ancient power called the thu'um."
Skyrim Saga: A Nord and a Khajiit walk into an Inn
She asked, leaning forward 'i'm here to join the stormcloaks, ulfric has the right of it and i want to do my part.' s'fara leaned back, 'you. you want to join the stormcloaks, the "skyrim for the nords!" brutes who hate all outlanders?'
Dragon Song (In Dragon Tongue)
~ four sides so rash, blades and falmor would clash, stormcloaks would dash to imperials slash. ~ but then from the night, flight a monstrous blight, we doubted our sight at the draconic might!
Slutcat and Sworddog #4
"follow me," sworddog said impatiently and trotted off down the path that ralof and the other stormcloak had taken. they passed into another chamber with more bodies, but it was the cobwebs that bothered slutcat. "ew... spiders.
Keema's Adventure: Olfrid Battleborn
"look, as far as i know, the stormcloaks and the imperials are fighting a war on the wrong side when they should be picking on the thalmor.
Worlds: B1, C2 The Thief
I look to my left and see ufric stormcloak. the jarl of windhelm beaten, gagged, and bound at the wrists. "watch your tongue!" ralof says, suddenly savage, "your looking at ulfric stormcloak, the true high king!"
Skyrim: The Argonian Chronicles
I learned that the other men were soldiers for the stormcloak uprising, basically the cause of the disorder in skyrim. and the man who was gagged was ulfric stormcloak, the one leading the rebellion. he was wanted for murdering the emperor.