The Legend of Spyro; Rising Dragon Chapter 1

There was no answer, so i guessed she wasn't home or she was out, i got my answer from uncle sparx and tinker. "hi uncle sparx, hi tinker, what are you doing here?" i asked them.


The Nightingale

tinker you are to take the nightingale and a small contingent of personnel to lead the exodus." he held up a hand to silence me before i could open my mouth.

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The Legend of Spyro; Rising Dragon 3

I slowly opened my eyes to see that tinker still snoring a bit loudly, not much of a surprise since she takes that from her father. i then saw that it was morning but barely had dawn began showing.

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Azerite Language Notes

Mair-bene-dov: maiden's disciple thun-skar-dov: sapphire disciple alem-geni-dov: tinkerer's disciple ma-kin-dov: matriarch's disciple ... and so on.


Everything you want to know about Cheshires - A Glossary of Insight

tinkers require thorough training in several engineering fields as well as an active yet logical imagination and have no classes or tiers. **technician:** common assistants who help with the day to day needs of an analyst or tinker.

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Suprise attack or unexpected danger) **extraction** (ignore one foe's attack with successful agility roll; all foes on a raise) **fast healer** (+2 on natural healing rolls) **first strike** [ag d8] (attack foes who moves to become adjacent) **gadgeteer** [tinkering


During The Snapped Years

- what, is he still tinkering with those tin cans of his? rocket inquired. - he does tinker with suits on occasion, yes. but he's also busy being a loving dad to his daughter morgan. - tony's a family man nowadays? cap said.

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The Creation of Furries Ch. 1

I hate tinkering with this machine. it always seems to find a way to-"aww, i missed it?! i was hoping i would get to see you in more pain." and that, was my lovely, and i use that term very loosely, assistant, veronica.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 5c, A Call to Arms (Pt 4)

There was silence for a moment, allowing wiesen to focus on locating which pouch he had placed his small box of tinkering screws. sada pressed further right as he found them. "what's your fault?

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String 'im Up

A rainy day at home, tinkering. i called it home, anyway, the little falling-apart shack on the edge of the foothills. i don't remember...paying for it, or even moving in, specifically.

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Don't Lie To Me

The pilot appeared to be tinkering with someone on the floor, it's dexterous fingers messing with all sorts of pieces of metal on the floor of the ship.

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Tails: The Way it Should have been.

Tails went to his garage and began tinkering. 3 weeks later tails sighed as he finished his tinkering: his machine was built and would come online. he finally did it.

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