
Sientas, A cold wind chased him as he ran from home, he had not meant to do it, but there was no explaining what he had done. This was against everything he was ever taught, every moral that had been beaten into him, and he had turned his back on it...


Set in Stone

But it is, generally agreed that arguably the strongest out there is one who claims the title of voidwalker." "what's a voidwalker?" "legends, elise. very, very rare is it for one to have that gift. legends say that a voidwalker can peer beyond time.

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Netherhiem 07

The country was called eizeldarm, the home of the voidwalkers, hydrus' specie collective. a huge castle like structure was placed near the borders, it was the home of the overlord of all netherbeasts.

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Illian: Unleash the Demon

With a sluggish movement, markus slumped into kia and whispered back "kia...the voidwalker...has come once again." with that, markus collapsed into kia's embrace and met the surrounded abyss with open arms.

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Another Type of Alien: Book 2, Chapter 36 “X and Y” excerpt: Version 2

When she stopped, she was panting, near hysterical, and consequently didn't notice kara or voidwalker pulling up the drive. _'oh god! i can't believe i just...that they...that-!'_ her mind drew a blank. "june, are you ok?"

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Illian: War of the Brothers

While i will not deny the fact that it was our idea to bestow a mortal with the augment, it has been the act of another god, one that not even gree himself knows, that has caused you to become the harbinger for the voidwalker.

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