Ein Flüstern im Sturm Part 7
Blut spritzte in alle richtungen davon, das meiste besudelte sein wams und seinen kã¶rper.
Serenity Base Episode 1 Part 6
Still stuck as she was in the tank, Lucci had no way of knowing that the second the massive tank dripped its last all over her the screens that had been broadcasting her fantastic gunging to the others outside the room cut off even though the cameras...
Ein Flüstern im Sturm Part 5
Alle trugen sie ã¼ber der rã¼stung das emblem des lordadmirals auf einem weiãÿem wams. auf den rechten schulterplatten eines jeden soldaten waren name, rang und truppnummer mit schwarzer farbe eingraviert.
Untitled #6 "squelch")
Sedric buys himself some shaving cream for a little solo experimentation. Then he gets a distracting phonecall that turns out not to be distracting at all. Why would a world in which everyone is either covered in fur or naturally bald all over ever...
Nucleus Accumbens
The tinny speakers were struggling fizzily through "Kokomo". They'd been playing the same esoteric radio station throughout the building; all the big radio-friendly hits from any mainstream station, but interspersed with mad animal chitterings that...
Serenity Base Episode 1 Part 5
Lots of cool content there from stories to art from all walks of wam life. definately worth a look. [www.patreon.com/white66](http://www.patreon.com/white66)
Die Nacht in Narnia - 4
Hastig schnürte er seinen wams auf und machte sich an die knöpfe darunter. das herz schlug ihm bis zum hals, seine finger waren feucht und zitterten. es dauerte schon viel zu lange, was ihn nur noch nervöser machte.
Times& Tribulations of a Succumous 12
I will need to replace markus eventually; he can't live forever in fact that is the plan ant it- ~wam~ \*flash\* ~crack~ * * * "what the hell was that? nara, jaden you two ok?"
A Sweet Night with Pru and Emma (WAM, sexy, romance)
Pru couldn't help a little shiver of excitement run down her spine, her lips and throat dry from the simple act of just thinking about what she was going to do. To say nothing of actually doing it. It was with that nervous excitement that she ran a paw...
The Candy Factory (OLD)
A gigantic candy factory had recently opened its gates, and to celebrate their grand opening, a giant tour would be hosted the following day for two lucky winners. A raffle on their website had to be entered in order for a chance to win, which would...
Broodmothers of the Rift
Shaylor finally calmed down as the flow of eggs and cum slowed down and eventually tapered off, leaving her in a wam afterglow as residual cum continued to leak from her tip, with the occasional egg joining the pile as the last few worked themselves out of
Saturday Evening
It was Saturday evening and the small group of truckers of DinoShippingCorp rested their trucks for the weekend. As usual, Lewis has stolen a few six packs from his load - the occasional "heavily damaged" palettes never cause any real inquiries from...