Sharing the Love
That's when mary offered some more help to the yiffy mousette.
Life is a Bitch Chapter 1
This was to much for the already highly yiffy polecat, he quickly shivered and released his sweet cum deep down his yiffy friend's throat. the two young furs just laid there on the pillows gathering strength for the main event.
Mike's Other Secret
Mike thought about the relationship they had in the past and how he and sheila did have some intimate contact when they were younger and while he didn't feel comfortable acting out on his yiffy desires for sheila at that time, he had since had a yiffy relationship
My muzzle dripped yiffiness onto the loam, my dick drained its spoo out for roots in the soil. > > and then the snowie was back, not bouncy nor yiffy, not friendly at all. > > cautious. > > hesitant. > > i hated myself. > > he exposed belly, doubtful
Suzy And Daddy
In fact, i kinda like knowing you two do yiffy stuff together." "does it make you yiffy, just thinking about it?" she asked. he hesitated. "well, a little." "c'mon...
College Radio and Jackals
Please note that all of the following story and its yiffy goodness are devoted to the yiffiest of jackals. so anyone else getting a pawing off this, cool, keep on yiffing.
Pleasant Sunday Stroll through Omaha
Vincent could only gasp out and fall back, victim to the wonderful yiffy attentions. foxx then took complete control.
A Very Yiffy Christmas
Warning: The events that take place are for the eyes of those eighteen-years or older only. Again, if you are not eighteen, either leave or don't get caught. It was the final hour of Christmas Eve, and a horrible blizzard had blown in. The...
Too doggone yiffy!
Too doggone yiffy! rio flipped through channels on the t.v. "200 hundred channels and nothing on" rio groaned out. "did you try the programming on the playfur channel?" came graceful whitefur's comment from behind.
A Yiffy Dream - Ermin
I don't have many yiffy dreams, but this one was cool enough that i thought i'd share it. have fun and happy reading!
Yiffy Sex Ed
"Everything I Need to Know About Sex I Learned From" 1. EVERY character has sexual tension with EVERY other character in ANY series. 2. If a character is canon heterosexual, he or she can be easily persuaded to question their...
The Rise of the Yiffy Empire
After learning of his army's victory over the Romans in the Gladius War, the revered Lord Lykos hurried down to the grand gates of Anthrens to reunite with his lover, Thief LXIX, hero of the war. The white wolf anthro was handsome, at the age of 35. He...