Between - Chapter 2 (Milo)

miraculously, it isn't fractured or broken, just badly bruised. i quickly look around for something to try to stabilize it, or at least stop the bleeding. that's when i see akesa about ten feet behind me unconscious, lying on his stomach.

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The Hunter of Baile Chapter 2: The Red Knight and The Black Magi

After much study and many, many failed attempts to learn the vital differences between rituals, finally something clicked, and he--almost miraculously--passed the tests he needed, and repeatedly failed, to pass.

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We Are The ShadowsV2: Raid A-14

Either this child was a new breed of monster resistant to their weapons and if so may god help them all, or miraculously, this child was the luckiest infant in the world.

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Pix in space

Before heading into space he'd test his control sticks, both frozen still, though he'd noticed that he still miraculously had his emergency pistol with him.

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Quick Futa Trash

Bella still found it miraculous that she managed to snag herself a man like samuel, even with what was between her legs.

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The Trinket | Chapter Twelve [Comm]

~ ~ ~ hunter murmured softly in his sleep, his right around curled around the large stuffed panda plushie that had miraculously appeared on his bed a few days ago.

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All Hail the DILF Koopa King

Once he felt his orgasm reaching him, bowser roughly pulled your head off his shaft, making you at last breathe in some semblance of fresh air that somehow miraculously still existed in his musk-stinking bedroom, and he blew all over your cute, pleading face

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 49

Layla bit down on her tongue and, through some miraculous force of will she never knew she had, was able to keep from screaming as thousands of scratchy, splintery fingers dragged their hooked nails across her back.

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Ander - Chapter 8, Subchapter 7

It's -" just then, nicholas came running out of the shadows, even more out of breath than his brother had been before his miraculous sugar-fuelled revivification, spluttering and heaving and clutching at his chest. "oh my gods!" he gasped. "barty!

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Socks to be you!

This miraculous deal meant the only thing max would have to worry about was their education; virtually all expenses other than buying their own food and paying their tuition were handled by the bunny gal they were going to be living with.

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Lil' Pals Inc.: The Bladblocker™

"_ an odd, though supposedly "miraculous" organism feeding on urine. the scientists that had welcomed nyx had told them it was part of a project to help incontinent people; if they never needed to pee, then they'd never have any wetting accidents.

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Hades and Philos: February

Peeking an eye philos gawked down at the bosoms that had miraculously appeared on his--now, her--bare chest. my eyes then traveled down to my red deer's crotch, expecting to somehow find his member now disappeared.

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