The Wasteland: Party

I sucked it up and told him no, let's just get to the party. we arrived at one of the tall buildings, a big sign out front saying "the prestige inn". "ooooooh fancy," i said with a smile as we walked in.

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Our Party

My friend decided to have a party at his house while his parents were away (the fact that they encouraged such a party endeared them to us all), as the next year we would all be going our separate ways: college, jobs, or in the case of one of my friends, a

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A Party to remember

Not much to say here honestly... It's a real sex scene, haven;t done that in awhile. zzzz * * * "Three cheers to winter break!" A tall but lanky cheetah shouted as he held up a cheap beer bottle. Two other bottles clanked against his as other...

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The Open Party

How many glasses did you say you had back at the party." "at least half a dozen." the lion laughed, "a half dozen of those and i'd be dead."

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The Rain Party

I have a rain party to go to." whitehair laughed and left the tub room to go down another level where there was a huge indoor garden filled with men having sex.

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Party Time

Everyone should always bring something to a party. whether it be drinks, hor d'oeuvres, or food to share, it's just good manners. even if the party is a little... unorthodox. and that's just what the party we're going to is.

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Frat Party

Frat party." jiyeon listed simply. "unless... serena wants to come with us?" "no it's alright. i'm in a sorority in case you forgot, i'll probably get thrown out of for attending a frat party. it's a good thing that you two aren't frat boys!

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The Paws Party

Bland and boring; these were the words that described the afternoon that Silvermike had to go through. Each day seemed the same when he started thinking about it; the routine in his life was quite strong, making him wonder if there was a way for him to...

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Nudist Party

So he thought a night out at a canine-only party could do him some good. only to find out that this party has a very special theme to it. **nudist** **party** by: silverback christianpaw "shadow, i don't wanna be here?"

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The Party to Remember

It's my party... most of them are drunk... and... i want to play with your junk. you gonna stop me?"

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The Party Moose

Staring back at him was the party moose, head framed by massive antlers with their bizarre ornamentation.

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Party Animals

party animals a blur of orange and black streaked across the night-fallen field with heavy, steady breathing coming from the uniquely furred creature as he ran.
